
into the minced chicken balls Diablo 3 gold into the minced chicken balls - DBUX

129809647100523750_219Chicken breast pearls "their cuisine" "dishes taste" delicious "relate to food" hexian bean chicken seafood, poultry and egg "raw materials" ingredient: 750 g chicken breast meat, Shui Fagan Bay 50 grams. Ingredients: fresh peas 50 g egg whites 5. Ingredients: wine 15 grams of salt 2 g, clear soup 500 g, wet corn flour 35 g, lard stearin 500 grams (approximately 40 grams of water consumed), 10 g of chicken oil. "Production process" 1. wash the chicken breast meat with water, Pijin, put on the pork skin, with the knife back into antler, pick fine rib into a bowl, add wine, salt, soup all a little, add 10 grams of corn flour, minced chicken and rely on open, then into the egg mix, paste into lean minced chicken. 2. into the boiling water in a pot,Fresh peas into the wash Diablo 3 gold, put fire quick-boiled over, and out of the cold into the water after wash scallops by hand grating, along with peas into a bowl. 3. by stir-frying, into lard stearin, burn to 50% heat, quickly under the paste through a strainer into the oil with minced chicken, fried into a pea sized white balls (such as big, hand scoops knock up), remove, control oil. 4.In 500 g of broth, add remaining wine, salt SWTOR CD-key, good taste, a: skim floating foam water starch into a thin powder Diablo 3 gold, into the minced chicken balls, scallops, fresh peas, mix, topped with chicken fat, pour into Bowl Koumi. Others:

