
How to make

129667864400615392_223Securities times rain main domestic semiconductor concepts first stream---Polish electric (002638) landed small today. Company Chairman Li Xuliang, light emitting diode (LED) industries is the new industries of China and the global strategy, the future through research, funding diablo 3 power leveling, business models, market channels, and talent resources diablo 3 power leveling, continuedPromoting innovation in business models, technology, services and technology, improve product performance, look for "quantity" blowout and eventually build a LED world-class enterprise.  Topics of concern to investors in recent days, Li Xuliang and securities times started the Exchange.  Securities Times reporter: Outlook of LED industry? Li Xuliang: at present, Governments have started toHigh energy-consuming lighting products of some priority to disabled objects, incandescent bulbs to bear the brunt. Incandescent disabled first from Australia and the United Kingdom and Canada started later governments begin to follow up. Schedule disabled incandescent from States to observe, after 2012, most countries began to disable incandescent bulbs, while eliminating high energy-consuming lightingGovernments strongly support semiconductor lighting energy-saving environmental protection, which has provided huge opportunities for LED lighting. Since the beginning of 20th century, United States, and Japan, the European Union and Korea have also launched a National Semiconductor lighting plan, increase the intensity of research and development and support. At present, China has become the world's largest lighting-producing and exporting countries. 2009 published by the national development and Reform CommissionData shows that by 2015, semiconductor lighting industrial production grew at about 30% products gradually increased its market share, reach about 20% of functional lighting, LCD backlight over 50%, landscape decoration products such as market share is over 70%. Securities Times reporter: LED in international and domestic industry is what renders a-Like pattern and development trend of competition? Li Xuliang: has LED industry has formed United States, Asia, the three major regions of Europe-led pattern. Among them, kerui, lumens, Nichia chemical with its advantages of technological innovation in high-end chip, occupy LED upstream dominance. China Taiwan LED industry in the rapid rise in recent years, the chip and encapsulate the business in the world patternWai has a large influence. Major is to encapsulate and downstream applications. In recent years, in support of national policy and downstream applications along with the LED industry developed rapidly in China, a relatively complete LED industry chain. Currently has basically formed the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Jiangxi and Fujian, Beijing and Dalian in the North of the regional industrial structure, each zoneDomains are formed a relatively mature and complete industrial chain. Enterprises but each region varies greatly, have brands, technology and scale of enterprises, not many leading companies will gain first mover advantage. Semiconductor Lighting industry trends are reflected in three aspects: first, will usher in a period of rapid growth; the second is the wide range of applications and a wide range of consumer terminal will facilitate each kind of specialized semiconductor lightingThe emergence and development of the solution; three is company will speed up the fittest. Securities Times reporter: the company's core competence is reflected in what?  How to make? Li Xuliang: in the LED industry has a strong competitive service, beginning with rich experience in semiconductor lighting, strong innovation capacity, the company has more than 100 patents, more than 20 patents for invention,Shake leading peer on the patent holdings of Yao, also in innovation on a lot of business models, such as some of the new energy management contract (EMC) mode.  Is the first listed company on the service to the main business of semiconductor lighting, performance of the company's main business is growing very fast speed. The next three years, the company will use the technology, products, services, advantages, and after the listing of financialAdvantages, in economically developed areas and relatively high tariff levels of key cities in large shopping malls, hotels and institutions, directly through EMC model provides users with LED lighting retrofit, planned by 2014, the company EMC revenues accounted for about 30% of the revenue from core businesses. In addition, the company will work together with the energy efficiency service company has established a wide range of business customsTo become its best suppliers. The securities times: companies will how to deal with the problem of insufficient sales network?  How to expand the international market? Li Xuliang: operation and management of companies in the domestic set up eight regional centers, and gradually extend it to each of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Establishment plans by 2012 covering domestic cities and majorSecond-tier cities dealer system, on the basis of established mainly to store Terminal sales channels, seeking by 2014 over development through franchise stores. Sales proportion of international markets have been larger, now the sale has been extended to 25 countries, LED after the listing of the company will actively and steadily promote company products in Europe, Asia and the PacificRegional sales efforts.  In line with the company's overseas operations, the company established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong on the service industry (Hong Kong) limited, as an important platform to expand overseas markets.  The securities times: as an emerging industry, the company will be how to solve the problem of relative shortage of talent? Li Xuliang: semiconductor lighting is a brand-new industry, a shortage of talents is an entire rowA practical problem facing the industry. To this end, the company adheres to people-oriented, but is. From internal training on the one hand; on the other hand the positive works closely with the professional service company, it is necessary to introduce the company's development need top talent; in addition, the company is also actively pursuing talent pool, through a series of training and exercises to make it grow up to be the backbone of the company.

