
Diablo 3 Power Leveling I appreciate him this changeChanged KAM

129668659917343750_36The men help celebration Baogang Zhao said filming should have a cultural impact Tianjin network-Tianjin daily reported on November 27 directed by Zhao Baogang, Honglei Sun, and Huang Lei, and Wang Jun, Luodan Wang, Junbo Sui, Li Zhang lingxianzhuyan fashion city topic plays the FHM recently awarded the 1 billion network TV hits. Two days ago, the man to help producers with exclusive copyright plus network in Beijing organized the celebration of the men, Zhao Baogang carrying screenplay starring Tang Jun and Huang Lei, Li Zhang, etc to celebrate. Of the various questions raised after the men help broadcast, Director Zhao Bao has just expressed its own view. At the same time, he has made comments on the performance of the lead actors in the drama. "Pat TV series have to be smart. "Zhao Baogang said," we live in the city, my observation of everyday urban life. We have a TV series called floor work,It's very realistic, written very real people's lives is very moving, but may lack a little cultural impact. "Zhao Baogang revealed, he is in the process of creative drama three principle:" first, to have a common, crowd is the backbone of the sectors of society, I focus on thinking and spiritual needs of people and, second, to have a selling point, we are a private company, more attention to the part of the play have notSelling point, that is, can you make money; third is a record of play will have a cultural impact, if a theme shoot out very nice, very high ratings, sell well Diablo 3 Gold, finished broadcast audience was laugh away, or crying out, then cultural influence is not enough. In recent years, the television series I try to follow these three principles. "The man in the help, Honglei Sun blindsGu Xiaobai completely subverts his past image of the play, is also disputed for the shift the audience a lot. In this regard, Baogang Zhao said: "Honglei Sun when Gu Xiaobai airing of the show the audience some debate to him, personally, I think his is very good. Red Thunder is already is quite well known actor, shaped a lot of different roles, he would like to change, I appreciate him this changeChanged, at least he had the courage to try Gu Xiaobai such a role that he has never played. He worked very hard in this process, we have had numerous discussions and exchanges in private, ultimately presenting Gu Xiao Bai, regardless of any questions, at least I think he is performing very well. This is according to his personal ability, some actors also want to change, but he could not haveChanges such as Honglei Sun, he does not meet. From this point, we should learn from him. "Other major role for the play, Zhao Bao also do all the comment:" Huang Lei originally acted in many plays, is niche type of knowledge. The battle for marriage when he dragged into, also won the award for an Asian comedian. Romanian book of this speech,If you read the whole drama will admire Huang Lei because he acted extremely delicate Luo Shuquan this character. Some of them tiny details, if a person has no observations on life, it is difficult to render interpretation so delicate. At the same time, Huang Lei as the character adds a lot of small plots, making everyone happy. Wang Jun was Director, studied acting in his early years. We have known 20 yearsAnd I know he is very good actor, only because chance has problems will be diverted to become a Director, but his bones to play heart. Get Zuo Yongbang role this time, it can be said is the accumulation of so many years of performances he manifested. As an old couple, I think he really is successful this time. "As the man of the highest card in play" green leaf ",Luodan Wang and image has suffered criticism for acting in the play. Holds the Red Luodan Wang Zhao Baogang for easy evaluation of this star has also been pointed out sharply: "Luodan Wang would like to change, I want her to play another role, but she would also like to play Mo Xiaomin, a tangled, last fast turn on her to give me a reply saying his speech Mo Xiaomin. Mock up before because she played Millais, money and Du Lala,As with red Thunder, she would like to change. But strictly speaking, this change was not very successful. Plus the screenplay on the pursuit of the person plays is real, so people did not give her any protection on the characterizations, so is not very pretty Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the audience for this role on the show will also be disputed. However, this does not affect her next starred in play. ��

