
is the tail gas from mud and dust

129667750427959142_45Fog since October this year, Nanjing haze occurred for a number of days, seriously affected the daily lives of the residents also gives a strong professional word "PM2.5" into public view. Yesterday star wars the old republic power leveling, organized jointly by the Ministry of environmental protection and Jiangsu provincial government "2011 China (Nanjing) international industry Expo" held in Nanjing, which, for "the blue skyDistance "International Forum on the theme, inviting domestic and foreign experts for PM2.5 interrogation. What is the PM2.5? "Complex, is the tail gas from mud and dust, and so on chemical and physical reactions" in recent years, as represented by the concentration of PM2.5 "ultra-fine dust" contaminated, has replaced the earlier represented by sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, PM10, coarse particle pollutionStages in Nanjing and had already entered the era of more complex compound pollution of the atmosphere. In the air these "Super fine dust", the naked eye can not see, who they are? Where does come from? After researching, Tang Xiaoyan, academician, Peking University found that PM2.5 mainly from vehicle exhaust dust-dust, fuel, sulfate, catering oil fume, building cement dust and coal dust andNitrate, and so on. Superposition of these pollutants in the air is not simple, but among the ongoing chemical and physical reaction, makes it very complicated to pollution. Tang Xiaoyan study found that organic compounds, nitrate and sulfate particles PM2.5 aerosol particles are two times. "Secondary aerosols2.5 major composition ". PM2.5 What harm? "Seven years before they are now serious haze pollution peaks of lung cancer" Wu against Guangzhou weather experts after years of study has found that haze has lung cancer and "the seven year itch", that is a haze after years of serious, seven years apart, there will be periods with a high incidence of lung cancer. PM2.5 in air after inhaling the human body, afterThe body's circulatory system will eventually enter the bloodstream, and alveoli. "Haze will replace smoking, become the number one cause of lung cancer disease", against Wu said that lung cancer mortality in the late 60 's has increased a lot, but at the same time closely related to smoking and lung cancer rates are falling. Where is the problem exactly? Experts found that the sharp decline in visibility of the sky, sharp increase in haze days, It can be speculated that does lung cancer mortality and haze have certain relations? Against scientific research team has made an estimate in which Wu, aerosol extinction last century since the 60 's graphs and graphs at the same time marked in lung cancer mortality, 7-8 years after the judgment aerosol concentration increases, lung cancer death rates will rise. Certified PM2.5 has been not only to breatheSystem damage, and can lead to cardiovascular disease and degradation. In the United States, health risk assessment and air quality management is taken seriously. From the United States, California South Coast air quality authority Deputy Director Dr Liu Zhongxing said, when a species reaches a certain percentage of illnesses such as asthma, the local government is set to begin tracing the sources of pollutants. "If found, this situation isClosely related to some contaminants in the air, the Government will ask the producing enterprises for processing of such pollutants, until compliance. "Dr Liu Zhongxing said, this is the health risk analysis, particularly PM2.5 particles in the atmosphere are closely related to human health. Daily mean concentrations of PM2.5 and average annual concentration reaches a certain value, increases the risk of death. PMWhen is 2.5 GB? "Expected in 2016 to PM2.5 standards" at an international meteorological meeting in November, admitted Zhang Lijun, Deputy Minister of environmental protection: according to GB, currently 70% city air quality compliance; if you increase the PM2.5 monitoring indices, 70% cities across the country are not standard. At present, the State Department of environmental protection has begun to levyOpinions, proposed inclusion of PM2.5 monitoring. Purposes of PM2.5 is expected to be the first time in 2016 in China National limit value standard. "WHO first China recommended transitional target value, which isM2.5 concentration limits, only Australia, and New Zealand, and India, and Japan and the United States, and Canada, nearly ten countries had enacted the PM2.5 limit value. "China into the PM2.5 the old republic power leveling, also can not be considered late". Published by who the transition target in three stages, typically across a stage, have to pay at least 3-5 years for treatment. Treatment of hazeHow long? "Europe for about 50 years, China 30 years" against Wu says, "ultra-fine dust" concentration 20 µg/m increase to 40 mg/m, visibility is deteriorating from 40 km to about 10 km. 40 µg/m increase to 140 mg/m, visibility deteriorated to six or seven kilometers. "So, whenWe now look to govern, even make big sacrifices on the economy, reduced to 140 mg/m 100 mg/m or 80 µg/m, visibility does not get better. "Only treatment to less than 40 mg/m, in order to bring visibility to a dozen more than two kilometers. This is the United States and control air pollution in Europe spent 50 yearsReasons for so long. "Air pollution in many cities in China, of course, far from London in the year in these cities as severe, but despite the Government's control is large, it would take 20-30 years to see noticeable results. "Against the Wu said, we must be fully aware of the enormity of atmospheric environmental governance, particularity and long term. Reporter Wang Juan

