
129725138495706844_29 - KND

129725138495706844_29Stock code: 000629 stock abbreviation: panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium notice number: 2012-01 pangang group steel containing vanadium and titanium company on the stock, bond continued notice of suspension of the company and all members of the Board to ensure disclosure is true, accurate, complete, false, misleading statements or recorded no significant omissions. Our company 2011 annual announcements involving significant asset restructuring of accounting recognition method is required to consult with relevant departments, there is uncertainty. To safeguard the interests of investors, avoid shares of abnormal fluctuation, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the listing rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, an application by the company, the company stock (stock code 000629), and vanadium-titanium bond 1 (securities code115,001) opened on February 1, 2012 continued suspension. In addition to the above announcements things, be disclosed to the companies do not have any other undisclosed "on stock prices could have a greater impact, there is no public disclosure of significant matters", investors investment risk. Pangang group steel containing vanadium and titanium its Board in 2012On January 31

