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129742939286093750_213In General, the growth performance of listed companies, then launched higher to go bonus programme. And there is a second board companies, listed two fiscal years, launch high growth dividend higher declines are to be implemented to send transfer dividends. It is the BCI asphalt (300,135, unit). Net profit up revenues down yesterday, BCI 2011 annual results of asphaltReported that the company's operating revenue during the reporting period $ 1.114 billion, an increase of 6.57%; belong to shareholders of listed company net profits of 58.7946 million Yuan, down 23.44%; basic earnings per share of $ 0.46. After the end of January, the company expects 2011 earnings net profit-$ 57.5952 millionAnd fell 15% per cent. Express data expected. Recommended reading discussion on face: nostrils exposed persons should not be built markets brokerage stocks drop statements sponsor system sent high into six major initiatives to strengthen speculation rising stocks or Darling to drop cash a share rally is expected to continue banking real estate stocks 16 leading one of the most explosive second half of China's fastest of ironA h listed as a whole [Twitter] He Chengying: what the President Guo shouting out of 5 [Unit] banks sent positive market or the condition of Changyang not increased profits for the increase last year, BCI pitch four-point explanation is given: first, raw material costs, labour costs, depreciation costs, increase; the second, as the company continues to expand the scale, business expansion and increase in subsidiary, Company a larger increase in management fees, sales fees per cent; three are North Africa the situation in turbulence, new product export structure with high strength asphalt material stagnation; four of new high-speed rail dedicated emulsified asphalt without an order. "In 2011, the company's market in the high cost of running status, coupled with local financing platform for clean up, a lot of big projects delayed, resulting in performance appears nextDrop. "Baoli asphalt Director and Deputy General Manager, Mr Tung MI Chen Yong-Qin accepted the mass described in a newspaper interview:" this year will have greatly improved the business environment, market better. We got early orders of Hunan Highway, a very large increase in sales. "On January 18, the BCI asphalt announcement, the company and the construction of the airport was fogbound-Nanjing Expressway in Hunan province signed a LekGreen product purchase and sale contracts, contract total amount of approximately $ 302.57 million. Asphalt performance of this contract amounts exceed BCI express revenues last year in one-fourth, about 27.16%. Intends to push "$ 10 10 2" performance accompanied by letters disclosed at the same time there is also a report on the 2011 notice of disclosure of profit sharing plans. Notice display, BCI pitch controlShareholder, actual controller Zhou Dehong, Zhou Xiufeng couple on February 16 to submit to the Board a copy of the 2011 year profit appropriation plan, proposed to the shareholders as a whole every 10 shares converted into 10 shares and cash in $ 2. This proposal also earned four directors such as Chen Yong-Qin agrees. Above 6 made in consideration of the Board of Directors for 2011 when the profit appropriation plan voteIn writing. BCI asphalt Board currently consists of 9 members, 6 members accounted for two-thirds of the total number of members of the Board, more than half, while Zhou Dehong rs items for sale, Zhou Xiufeng together holders of BCI asphalt 59.2% shares. Therefore, the "$ 10 10 2" dividend will no doubt in its way through Board of Directors and the 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders of the company. BCIAsphalt on October 26 buy runescape items, 2010 log in gem. That year, BCI asphalt net profits of 76.7936 million Yuan, an increase of 31.65%; return $ 1.21 per share. Bonus programme for every 10 shares converted into 10 shares and cash in $ 6. Secret Tung details bonus programme implementation plans 2010 annual growth high dividends, and common sense. 2011 years of declines, why companies continue to implement high increase and cash? "Continuing capital reserve shall be converted into share capital for every 10 shares converted into 10 shares, is to consider the company's future business development needs. "Chen Yong-Qin said:" we are asphalt production-oriented enterprises, to develop the needs of the business, to participate in the bidding, registered capital of the company must be big. Company sharesThe smaller. Enlarged share capital, on the market is certainly useful in the future. "Dividends" does not not dividends declines. Company to reward shareholders runescape items for sale, as long as the company profits on dividends, whether the profit growth or decline. "Chen Yong-Qin explains:" SFC's new President after he took office at the end of last year, has been vigorously advocating dividends of listed companies. WeSpay is the dividend is also a response regulator calls for. 2010 performance good, on a number of points, each $ 10 Unit 6. This year fell, the less points. Match the bonus plan and the business situation. ��var selfURL="http://quotes.cnfol.com/block/7018";Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

