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129731262618760477_27SAF reserves special equipment team ready. Yanlitao photo cairuijintangyongmei Cheng Liangming on column shift is a quest, transformation is a state change is an innovation. Today, this special provision of the changing ・ highlights--construction of reserve play column, to theme the main line of the continuous introduction of provincial military district systemStrategic thinking, strengthen national defense reserve forces building proud, wonderful, fully reflects the reserve force in the construction of transition of exploration and practice, experience and practice, and enlightenment, scientific development to constantly promote the building of reserve forces.  The desert Gobi, battlefield gather and review soldiers. War rumbled across the plateau, a group was ordered to the reserve officers and men from across the country to arriveRegional Assembly cheap runescape items, assume the exercise equipment and technical support tasks.  This is supported by a team of missile experts, is the second artillery corps special equipment maintenance of a reserve Brigade.  Early spring season, reporters into the team, searching for footprints in the construction of this new Brigade of national defense and combat effectiveness. Group selected crack troops throughout the country this is a practical exercise. South deep in the jungle, drill intoCritical time, deliberately took the dispatch group, participated in technical positions and launch position of a conventional missile brigade equipment ready to fail.  Test, rush-rapid attack units of the Brigade Group was established, and troubleshooting in a timely manner, return the equipment performance, into battle. The Brigade since the establishment, participation in military drills, equipment and technical support tasks such as live ammunition fired dozens ofTimes.  Out at a time, they were "you certainly know how to" have more than more than 10 times by the headquarters, and the second artillery corps in recognition of collective was awarded third-class, 1 times, become a yangwei second artillery equipped with excellent technical support team. They were able to complete the task, thanks to the "group focusing on fighting capacity building". Brigade Commissar Pan Siqing told reporters that at present, the BrigadeGroup scope for reserve officers and men involved in 11 provinces, 58 equipment manufacturer, is satisfied that numbered nearly a thousand missiles experts and technical experts.  Reserve officers, engineers, 27% engineers 35%, Assistant Engineer covers cent. The Brigade Special protection tasks, high technological content. When grouped, they "both ability and political integrity, a job suited to one ' s special training, facilitate mobilization,Guarantee high efficiency "principle, a nationwide assessment of merit selection, validation, and is satisfied that part determine posts reserve officers and men.  In recent years, they improved grouping methods, exploration and their counterparts in the military industry group, cross-regional series, and other forms of group coordinator system reserve of outstanding grasp counterpart technician registration, reserve a number of professional and technical personnel. Training close to actual combatThe summer of that year, army battle training strategy in the second artillery forces, as the most important thing in training exercises, the second artillery more synchronous firing multiple missiles in an area of missile brigade.  The result, all precisely hit the target. Magic sword out of the scabbard, flew a shaking. Target blown apart when miles of demonstration Hall, representatives of training could help give a warm PalmSound. This is the headquarters of the Brigade for the first time to participate in the Organization of simulated military exercise equipment supply tasks, participating reserve officers and men are thrilled.  Because the applause is the best reward for their rigorous training. "Rocket soldier training, essential to be strict, focusing on precision. "Captain Luo Yicai said, they seize the entry of troops on active duty training, tactical exercises, live ammunition firing, timing, organizationLinked to the corresponding specialized units and reserve forces on active duty training, and active-duty officers and soldiers practiced tactics, and training techniques, practicing together and practice guarantee, the entire process of actual combat training. This is a complex area, integrated equipment support exercise held under cold weather conditions. Walkthrough site is already 55 years the team of senior engineers, an industry group Deputy Chief Designer of Gan Jinshu, and greenYears as ice officers and men lived in tents, sleeping bags to sleep, covert evacuation training in snow flap, creeping forward when sth Daily training, they will be "factory service activities into the reserve military training system" to explore measures for the production of specialty training posts. According to the "personnel determine posts, professional orientation" into requirements of their regional concentration, partition groupsTraining, factory integration, joint training, peacetime, daixun way, with factory training resources, distinguish the levels applied subject training, reserve officers and men to become familiar with the processes and equipment support. Battalion Chief of staff of the Lai Chuncai said, these measures stimulating training agility, enables team to achieve a "formed in the year when the formation of equipment maintenance support ability" goals, andThe artillery training level II examination. Mobilization at any time quickly sent out in early 2008, a rare snow frozen disaster-ravaged southern cities in China.  In this particular season, one that resembled equipment support integrated training, in the South of the land began. Received a call in advance, unit follow the walkthrough scenario prompt action, part of more than 30 moreEquipment manufacturers to sniff, quick response, quickly start the conversion mechanism of peacetime runescape items for sale, full staff, inventory equipment, preparing materials, form field repair units. Spread in 8 provinces, 10 more than reserve officers and soldiers within the specified time, completed a number of directions, regional Assembly, topics for more than one missile brigade, and equipment to support the protection of 6 modules, 19 scheduled tasks for all programsWalkthrough tasks, all elements.  Despite the harsh climate conditions, but the entire exercise, not a person "off the chain". According to "the clock preparing emergency dispatch" requests, the battalion established a sound mechanism wartime mobilization, developed quickly mobilizing the full, 15 mobilization programmes such as equipment and technical support in times of war and combat readiness plans, do more than one task more vision, an action setPlans to ensure mobilization of reserve officers and soldiers in the fight on at any time, call back, good used.  At the same time, every year under the plan into organization-time mobilization Assembly walkthrough, inspection of peacetime conversion all aspects of the functioning of the mechanism, make mobilization of reserve officers and men to become familiar with the plan, program and collaborative action, improving the rapid reaction capability. Innovation, research into topics huntTheir hunting, tide camouflage.  Electronic screens constantly flashing on various field armament support exercise, various types of equipment and vehicles mounted sword quick visits, equipment support unit or Assembly of the standby reserve, or hand, filled with thick "fog".  One high-tech armament support exercise kicked off with a practical background. "First report of the Yangtze River, I can't even missile transportAttacks to a provincial road 85 km sth " Received a briefing runescape items, in front of, a reserve support unit developed a technology for equipment damage "emergency diagnosis"; the rear, all reserve engineer units made up of experts use of technological innovations for "long-distance consultations", teamed up front and reserve officers and men, quickly ruled out any fault.It is learnt that the achievements in technological innovation for all reserve officers of the battalion, who according to the actual requirements the application of technological innovations to combat readiness training, has achieved outstanding results.  Brigade leaders say, around fighting capacity building, team has taken a series of measures to stimulate the enthusiasm of technological innovation for reserve officers and men, effectively raising the level of equipment and technical support. They rely on armyTechnical advantages of the enterprise, organization innovation of soldiers in reserve equipment maintenance equipment, improve the efficiency of equipment technical support; they combined combat exercises, find technical support problems, organized reserve technical experts leading research, solve the problem of a range of restricted combat effectiveness upgrading; their mode of innovative equipment and technical support, for the combat effectiveness of our forces to speed up the changes in build mode provides a solidTechnical support. Technological innovation, for the ability to fulfill the task "plug in the wings to fly". In recent years, the battalion captured equipment technical support problems more than once, entrusted by the successful completion of the headquarters, the second artillery corps equipment protection tasks. Others:

