

129667864469209142_400United Kingdom Bank (BOE) Executive Director, United Kingdom Financial Services Authority (FSA) Deputy Head of supervision Bailey (Andrew Bailey) on Thursday (November 24), United Kingdom banks should prepare contingency plans for eurozone split. Bailey said: "United Kingdom banks cannot ignore the possibility of disorder in some countries to leave the euro zone, and should for the mostPreparing bad scenarios. We, as regulators want banks to eurozone crisis prepared any consequences of the disorder. "After the United Kingdom Secretary of State for business cable (Vince Cable) said, in response to the euro collapse, United Kingdom Finance Ministry and Central Bank has already started planning to prepare a comprehensive plan to deal with" economic Armageddon ".He said: "the Government had begun planning a large number of programmes, it is envisaged that all possible consequences the old republic power leveling, the Ministry of focus on the situation. Our trade, and like the predictions of doom, have an impact on the banking system swtor power leveling, but we have not yet reached this stage. "Pele says:" I have no view on whether there will be any. But we must make a good contingency plan. "" Panoramic network stated "this frequencyArticles, data and other content contained in the road by the media (corporate) provided, does not represent our views. Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, action, at your own risk.

