
if necessary

129667840544990392_345On January 1, 2011, the Baltic States Estonia joined the euro with a trace of uneasy feelings family, because at that time, the one started in Greece's sovereign debt crisis is spreading within the euro zone. Today, Estonia this Euro "newcomer" more reason to worry, because a year is too, not only failed to reduce the European debt crisis, instead of growing, evenHas sparked speculation of a breakup of the euro in the near future. Was leaning against a tree, still on the wrong ship, Estonia who mixed feelings. How to get out of the European debt crisis, Estonia has its own view, that is the euro must move forward, the EU cannot be reduced to "easy Club". Estonia Prime Minister An Xipu speaking in Parliament strongly criticized the European Union has recently transformed"Easy Club", he called on EU Member States to take responsibility, strengthen fiscal discipline. An Xipu pointed out that the European debt crisis had its origins in the European Union on the pressure of too little swtor power leveling, at the request of its Member States are too small, resulting in some Member States within the EU enjoy a "comfort zone" and rarely take responsibility. Although these errors are committed in the country in their countries, but it can affect the EU as a whole. "EuroLeague for a long time, Li into a "comfortable Club", this cannot continue, we (the EU Member States) goal is very clear swtor credits, is to take the EU out of the "comfort zone", "he said. An Xipu calls on EU Member States to take action to enhance the sense of responsibility, develop more effective rules and regulations to improve the operational capability of the EU and euro zone. He said:, Later the European Union and the euro-area countries can no longer afford to sit idly by responsible members of those who do not allow self management, any other Member States at risk, if necessary, you can modify the EU Treaty. Speaking about Greece's debt crisis, An Xipu said, solving the problem of the country ultimately depends on the country's Government and Parliament itself, Estonia as a member of the EU and the euro zoneCourse be duty-bound to lend a helping hand in good time. Anxi general form Germany, Angela Merkel, as saying, "if things wrong in Europe, Germany is not at all", Estonia and even more so. Estonia President Ilves 22nd when meeting with visiting European Parliament Busek also said that "Europe is not enough Europe", that is, the pace of European integration is not enoughLarge. He said that today, many countries in Europe are going their own ways, their attitudes and practices that directly affect all European countries, Europe must have a consensus: "Europe is not enough Europe", Europe must change.

