
November 24

129667864468271642_398Egypt's Central Bank (Central Bank of Egypt) on Thursday (November 24) to raise interest rates for the first time since the lightning announced in September 2008 to prevent overthrowing President Hosni Mubarak before casualties caused by the worst unrest since the revolution of capital flight. Egypt Central Bank's monetary policy Committee raised its overnight deposit rate 1%, from 8.25% raised to cent, overnight lending rate from 9.75%, an increase of 50 basis points to 10.25%.  5 economists surveyed expect Egypt's central bank interest rates to sit on.  Egypt's Central Bank risks to the Outlook for inflation on the rise, as well as uncertainty rises from the resolution raise interest rates. Cairo CI Capital investment banking researchHead of departments, Mansour (Mona Mansour) telephone interview said swtor credits, "they are trying to improve Egypt currency deposits, because since the revolution, US dollar deposits increased substantially.  Glasses fell below market interest initiatives swtor power leveling, encourage investment must not raise interest rates, which would have a negative impact on the investment environment. " Tahrir square (Tahrir SquaRe) nearly 1 week, demanded that the military Government to step down demonstrations and violent clashes, at least 38 people were killed. "Panoramic network special statement" articles, data and other content contained in this channel are filled by the media (corporate) provided, does not represent our views. Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, action, at your own risk.

