
India will want to create a powerful

129668515154687500_3India Navy will purchase 75 helicopters to create solid Navy Information: NH-90. "India newspaper's website reported on November 26" topics: Navy prepare for enhanced strength. India have made full preparations, is formally seeking to buy at least 75 with strong anti-submarine and anti-ship combat capability of heavy sea military helicopters. These helicopters will also be specifically adapted to suit against General, terror, piracy and other threatsAmphibious warfare and raids. By the Secretary of Defense · K · putting Anthony India Defense Procurement Committee on November 25 to discuss large scale naval multi-purpose helicopter project, project price is likely to exceed $ 2 billion. One defence source said: "we will soon release Navy's multi-purpose helicopter project tender book. After the first 75 transactions, theProject is likely to continue to expand at a later stage, ordering more helicopters. The first batch will be directly purchased from abroad, the rest of the helicopter with the help of foreign partners, India domestic production. "The Navy's multi-purpose helicopter project will be India now invested 20 billion rupees (about 50 rupees US $ 1) to buy 16 multipurpose helicopterAfter a big move. In project of 20 billion rupees, the Defense Department is currently reviewing NH-90 helicopters in Europe and the United States Sikorsky S-70B helicopter field testing of the assessment report, from which you want to select the final winner. India Navy is also seeking to buy a new ship-borne fighter aircraft, maritime patrol aircraft and drones will cost a total of about 850 billion-farRatio. Among them, 45 -29K the Russian-made m warplanes at a cost of $ 2 billion, 12 us P-81 remote reconnaissance aircraft spent more than 3 billion dollars. Is impressively displayed in China in view of the radar screen of the "shadow", India will want to create a powerful, solid Navy and preserve its geo-strategic interests from the Strait of Hormuz to the Straits of Malacca. This newspaper was first revealed that the, Indian army has ordered 48 warships, and that's just over 3 trillion rupees Navy part of long-term planning. One source said: "the Navy's multi-purpose helicopter unit weighing 9 tons to 12.5 tons. The really rise are security guards and guard ships, Destroyers and landing on aircraft carrier flight deck. There are five global airline industry giants in our preliminary inquiry showedFun. "Life of the new aircraft will be more than 30 years, they will be to replace the earlier" Sea King "helicopter, meet in the expansion of India Navy needs. New helicopter "major role" will include anti-submarine, amphibious assault task and anti-ship warfare, special attacks, and troop transport. "Secondary effects" includes electronic intelligence, anti-pirate, search and rescue, transport of persons, externalCargo handling and other aspects of the task. India Navy want installed on the helicopter swtor power leveling, advanced avionics and weapons systems--including sophisticated radar, light torpedoes, depth bombs, 70 mm rockets and 20-mm machine gun swtor credits, threat to air, surface and underwater to implement "for detection, identification, classification and wipe out".

