
tera gold later if not massive tsunamis - LXG

129788454835937500_55Strong earthquake in Indonesia limited effect on China-related commodity prices Local time in 11th, in waters near Indonesia's Sumatra strong earthquakes magnitude 8.5, focal depth of 10 km. Indonesia earthquake Department has issued a tsunami warning, but 4 hours after announcing the disarmament. As Indonesia is China's main imports of natural rubber, palm oil and coal sources, therefore, effects of earthquake on the domestic prices in the short termPopular attention. Rubber: rubber producing areas further away from the epicenter is the world's largest rubber growing countries in Indonesia, the second largest rubber producer and second largest exporter of rubber. According to the 2011 Indonesia rubber output 3.013 million tons, accounting for 25% per cent of total world supply. Domestic consumption accounts for only small percentage, 85% per cent of its production to exports, about2.571 million tons. However, insiders say that the earthquake in North Sumatra in Indonesia in Aceh at the top of the waters around Indonesia rubber main producing area and the port of shipment is still lagging far behind. Palm oil: will not have a material impact on Indonesia is an important source of imports of palm oil in China, according to the 2011 annual import of palm oil 35% in ChinaFrom Indonesia. For the earthquake will affect the internal prices of palm oil, stone agricultural products futures team gaoyan said in an interview with this reporter, region of North Sumatra in Indonesia is one of the major Indonesian palm oil, but an earthquake occurs mainly in coastal areas, for now, does not threaten the plantations, and is unlikely to impact on local traffic and therefore on domestic palm oil prices will not yieldSubstantive effect. Heilongjiang day futures said Kiki, later if not massive tsunamis, the effects of palm oil production is mainly concentrated in psychology. In addition, Sumatra port of shipment may be affected in the short term, so as to support oil prices. Gaoyan said palm oil prices followed soybean oil prices in the domestic market, from the beginning to the present, palm oil pricesRally near 20%. For the future, gaoyan believes that is the oil consumption in the summer season, on formation of price support, but in the short term it is suggested to wait and see. Spot market yesterday, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Zhang Jia gang areas and palm oil market in Rizhao, Shandong province offers a smooth tera power leveling, quotations are all located in 8,500 Yuan/ton-$ 8,700/tons. Coal: Indonesian coalLimited exports to Indonesia as the world's largest coal exporter tera gold, China was the largest objects in the export country. Meanwhile, Indonesia is also China's largest coal importing countries of origin, according to the coal 64.7 million tons last year, China imported from Indonesia, 35% per cent of total imports. Therefore, seismic effects on production and export of coal in Indonesia will also directly affect Chinese importsAnd cause price fluctuations. First of all, as regards the production tera power leveling, coal industry in Changjiang securities analyst Ge Jun said, "less earthquake on Indonesia, Australia's main coal region". Ge Jun pointed out that the earthquake near Indonesia's main coal region East kalimandan and South kalimandan (91% of the total coal production in Indonesia) for distant, estimated that production will not be affected. Southern Sumatra(9% of the total coal production in Indonesia) from near the epicenter, but because most coal mines in Indonesia to conduct open-pit mining, in the case of earthquakes not caused serious tsunami expected less. Metal: export no real shocks up to yesterday's news show, due to the earthquake area away from the mine, metal and mineral exports has no real impact. Indonesia isAluminum, nickel, Tin, niobium, zirconium and other important habitats of the non-ferrous metals. Indonesia occupied China 80% import markets for bauxite; is Nickel Laterite ore reserves are one of the largest countries, China imported more than 50%. Indonesia also is China's third-largest importer of zircon sand. However, these minerals are mainly located at alimandan island in Central Indonesia, earthquake area is located in North West China and the Soviet Union in IndonesiaSumatra sea area of West Aceh, there are thousands of kilometers apart. Reporters learned from the number of people in the industry, as of yesterday, mine does not have a real impact. Above metal's spot market was calm yesterday. Others:

