
tera gold Li zegang and poly investment - AND

129788654659375000_28Li zegang and poly investment: water consumption securities firms share 有戏 mobile phone free www.cnfol.com April 14, 2012, China Securities News view comments and poly investment management in Beijing said Li zegang, Executive partner, 13th, if proper policies, third-quarter economic growth can be seenEnd of market ought to be bottomed out one or two quarters in advance. Economy is the core issue of real estate, real estate is not in normal state, the economy is not normal, markets do not have a large market. From tight monetary policies to normal gradually become loose, but due to inflation and real estate, not too loose. Second quarter, investors should strengthen defense in the build process at the end of market turbulence. And economic keyCutting cycles related to stocks and growth stocks should remain vigilant, consumer, broker, water three sectors worth focusing on. Li zegang says downturn comes as you want, expand domestic demand, particularly consumer demand is the fundamental standing point of long-term steady and rapid economic development in China. Consume the most fundamental approach is to raise the level of income, the greatest potential lies in urbanization. 2012 isFirst year of China's economic transformation. This is a forced economic transformation, determines of inflation monetary policies cannot be in a relaxed state and local financing platform determines the fiscal policy impossible once again become a magic weapon to stabilize the economy. Therefore, China's economy is going through to consumption, driven by exports, investment services-driven transformation. Therefore, Li zegang the most bullish on consumer and service sectors,Consumer and services of the future will become a new economic growth engine. If the Government will introduce measures to stimulate the economy, is likely to be for consumption. In addition, China's service industry development lag relative to the rest of the world, is the future for a long time in this area of investment topics. From the consumption itself tera power leveling, commercial retail, brand clothing, food and drink some more undervaluedValue and growth relative to determine species. Both in terms of long-term trends, is a certainty in the short term, is a haven for the second quarter of the consumption unit. Securities and Futures Commission recently announced released QFII investment quota of 50 billion dollars, foreign appetite for consumer stocks in China will have an effect over a long period of premium on plate. Brokerage shares views, Li zegang investment logic comes from politicalPolicy-driven. Scale of future industry trends from the drive to innovation-driven, promote long term was on industry business model change, improve valuation industry hub. Short on stock prices, driven by more of regulatory reform and innovation of the industry may be ahead of market expectations. Past due to the strict regulation of securities brokerage, brokers basically confined to four licence business, Don't have much room for innovation, financial business mainly in the middle of the field from the Bank and trust monopoly. Also, 2011 monetary tightening policies distort the price of money, enabling business environment conducive to the Bank and trust, and is not conducive to security companies. In 2012, with the reserve requirement ratio continues downward, funds will be transferred gradually to the anticipated improvement in stock markets. Beginning of AprilThe policy, rumors closer to see the media: reform of new shares, QFII, RQFII expansion, construction of national OTC market ideas clear, high-yield bonds, deposit products pilot, from the perspective of the system to promote, the speed seems to be ahead of market expectations. Future innovation is still a line in the second quarter is the industry related policies promote the critical time window, regulator is expected to be fasterSpeed to promote industry innovation. Li Ze was optimistic about the hydraulic unit on the ground that this year will significantly speed up the construction of water conservancy. Investment for water conservancy construction in the central budget funding to $ 68.3 billion, increased 87% compared with last year. Fund the construction of water conservancy construction of major water projects, the South-North water transfer project funds, State funds totaling up to $ 42.2 billion tera gold, an increase of 69%. From the perspective of development and Reform Commission approved tera gold,Year approved 46 key water conservancy projects with a total investment of $ 184.2 billion, an increase of 175%. By feasibility and preliminary design of the proposed budget of the project amounted to $ 68 billion, which is expected to be officially started in the year; project project has 77 billion yuan, some will start bidding. From the perspective of local governments, localO; Eleven-FiveIs in Others:

