
tera power leveling Old old Association recently announced the third batch of Guangzhou - SCC

129779408091562500_101Old old Association recently announced the third batch of Guangzhou, Guangzhou. Now, Guangzhou has 78 "old Guangzhou". Sob is, also said Guangzhou Association of old, haizhu Theatre, Cheng Zhu restaurant, heming shoe stores, hengdeli four old companies have closed down, only their brands to the Commission can be saved tera power leveling, do not know what year the enterprise into the revitalization of. From the feel of the old, government departments should be the backing, precipitation is its endorsement of history. Based on the past or towards the future, old can't easily undermined the market, select short. In addition to historical sense and sense of honor tera power leveling, old and most of all blame and didn't enjoy what "policy to benefit". By implication, prevailing in old cityStrong sense of anxiety. In addition to the hope that the Government will reduce rents by tax breaks, subsidies, promotion of public awareness, old and hard to what is the best way to self-transformation. Fool, old Guangzhou Government protection, protection is a commercial enterprise in images rather than specific, after all, the Government is not an enterprise of big boss. Old if not turn off the lifeblood of the industry, the Government is not going toHave any special policy preferences. Even if the unit is slightly larger, or because you do not meet the market demand, to eventually be mergers and closures. Some old neighbourhood, such as cinemas, restaurants, shops, but also in industries compete with MS Excel, slightly above the old fantasies may be ruthlessly eliminated. City of fissile, confer tera gold, 30 years agoStreets of Guangzhou were say Cantonese people, people will run across the province to the South building, Cantonese values similar to the old crowd. Guangzhou, 30 years later, wandering people of Guangzhou, would have become values vary by country, people all over the world. Even if people in Guangzhou, a considerable part of the consumption of energy has also moved to 70, after the crowd who,Creating new patterns of consumption. Old mostly stuck in the emphasis on hand-made, high quality publicity, of course, adapt to different styles of consumption. In contrast, risk factor, and the more developed market sense of emerging enterprise, mechanism more flexible and dynamic, people may continue to favor the old signs. Finally, some of the old self-succession, only to keep the Park hold, business that is difficult to doBig market. Old nostalgic taste, will continue to have the old neighborhood of sought after. But consumerism is rampant today, buying old products is not enough to become the biggest cause of the mass consumption, on the contrary, it will become a part of the human instinct to avoid things. Kodak decline of such businesses, many international companies are also not eligible to become old alreadyLost reality, we know market share is not always depend on the policy baodezhu. ����A business model if you cannot follow the changes in consumption patterns change, so give more honour, policies are likely to be difficult to turn the historical burden. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only, do notConstitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

