
tera power leveling this part of the restricted shares in the April 23 - CZX

129773810122968750_45"Zhuangao financial network" trainee Jing zhe as of market close on March 27, shanying paper industry (600,567. SH) dropped 8.5% in the 2 day, and closed at $ 4.84. Issuance of 178 million shares of restricted stock in private companies 2011 will be held on April 23 lifted, open on the issue price of $ 4.8/unit. Company sharesApproximation of the price of additional. March 24 tera power leveling, 2011 company annual report, company 2011 net earnings of $ 36 million, up sharply down 80.41%. Board of Directors developed this profit distribution plans are: not assigned, remaining unappropriated profits brought forward after the annual allocations; capital reserve increase equity plans: to Date of record the total share capital of the company asBase to all the shareholders in accordance with every 10 shares go up 11 percentage of shares, equity capital reserve increase. Annual report explained the profits but they have given cash during the reporting period because of profit sharing plans: the company is building 800,000 tons of huge investment paper projects, funds are more nervous. Not for dividend funds intended to be used to supplement the company's liquidity and project funding.But the company's high diversion programmes and no such shares dampened, 26th, 27th at one point fell below issue price $ 4.8/unit. Shanying paper industry was completed on April 23, 2011 closed on the issue. Companies at $ 4.8/issue price of shares issued to the 9 specific investor 220 million shares. Among them, the de facto control of the company in Ma On Shan City industriesInvestment limited liability company subscribe 41.6666 million shares; 8 such as Shanxi securities institutions and physical persons subscribed a total of 178 million shares.   In addition to companies who are restricted for a period of 36 months of actual control, others limited to the subscription period is 12 months, this part of the restricted shares in the April 23, 2012 release. As of January 9, 2012, company shares on continuingYang, to March 23 per cent to $ 5.29, less than 3 months time rose 70%, bring the participation in institutions to achieve the 10% floating profits. However, starting from the 26th tera power leveling, the company big drop in volume. According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange according to the 26th only dealers in the top five sales department sells shares amounting to $ 167 million. Rights before the ban, the share price approaching so cheap, Has resulted in increased participation in bodies of shipment adversely. Shanying paper announced on March 24, 2011, the annual financial report. Company revenues 3.984 billion yuan, an increase of 6.34%; belong to shareholders of listed company net profit of 36.2178 million Yuan, up sharply falling 80.41%; by the end of 2011, the company earnings per share$ 0.05, fell 85.71%; the corresponding level of ROE to 1%.   27th, reported revenue of $ 4.84 in shanying paper company tera gold, by 0.41%, just above the issue price of 4 cents. (Securities market weekly Syndication) "author:" zhuangao financial network "trainee Jing zhe" (Editor: the bean) Others:

