
tera power leveling because every day in training - QYU

129779512207187500_84Dortmund just ended at the world table tennis championships, champion of the Chinese table tennis team taking care of the body for men and women. What made the Chinese table tennis players will always beat Asian rivals? Behind this, is actually a set of constantly running, training, training personnel and systems to respond to competition, its professional, high technology level as much as the slightest bit of Hollywood blockbusters in the FBI (the United States Federal Bureau of investigation)。 We at the world table tennis championships in Osaka by virtue of its own strength the Chinese team sent to nantuan before the final main ping, Ping man second team coach Liu guozheng, decrypt the ping for you "special agents" develop a plan. Climbing the hundreds of stories of survival, Ping on the waxing table training team, Wang liqin was recognized well built, six abdominal countless female fans scream. Compared toZhixia, two pen-hold players Ma Lin and Wang Hao was born fat body and each winter to lose weight in the first place. How to thin within ten pounds in a month, in addition to recipes into vegetables and seafood, also thanks to the jump rope and climb the stairs. The end of last year, led 10 world champion Liu Guoliang to climb tall buildings training, young men climbed in one breath 441.8 meters100 floors of tall buildings, Hao Shuai took only 28 minutes of the first Summit, others soon catch up, the whole process is not more than half an hour. This method of exercise the leg strength of easy, but most players fear. Jump rope is the national champion's strengths, within 1 minute jumping 100 two shakes are essential qualities. In the national juvenile table tennis competition, ten out of small playersTo take part in the competition by skipping must be tested, 1 minute to jump more than 50 two shakes. In addition, the powerful psychological practice into non-overnight. In the process of preparing for the Shanghai world table tennis championship, psychology professor Wang Runping let every Member to fill in a form, write down the most don't want to hit the opponent name. Wang Runping feedback, they had the corresponding auxiliaryGuide. Liu guozheng decryption: training means we have a lot, in addition to improving the physical quality training of, feel the training is also very important, we often put on the training table tennis table coated with a thick layer of wax, let the players practiced playing on the waxing table. Because wax pool table becomes more slippery, lines become difficult to control the ball. Do so mainly because domestic red doubleTable too astringent, and game table to slide, so we give the floor waxes, increasing difficulty, so that competition is more handy, attention to detail is always very important. Simulation of war "model" simulated foreign player 2008 World table tennis championship, due to the technical characteristics of the rubber and closer to European players Wang liqin, MA Lin and other participants selectedHands, rushing feeling warm and Li ping, he also became the busiest '. Training when Li ping and Wang liqin, Wang liqin fear most what kind of balls, he is specifically playing what kind of ball, is to let Wang liqin adaptation in advance, early into the game. ' PW followed the main force went to the Olympic Games in Athens, in front of the men's singles final, he also had to imitate Ryu Seung-Min, Wang Hao and warm up。 But after the match, their ' players didn't get any reward. Help team training, is ' obligations. It is learnt that the ping team have also occurred in just the opponent team, small player for ' play is too realistic, of excessive tension in the training. Training in preparing for this session of world table tennis championships, Chinese female team has redeployed a number of male players from local teams, theyTasks it's main rivals, Feng Tianwei, and Jin 暻e, pumeiying, Yue Wang, Jiang Hua珺, etc all have special staff to imitate. Men to accompany one of the women is to ping tradition, male member of speed and strength test for female players is enormous. But as ' sacrificing a lot, it means they have to give up the original game, meant that they lost as the major players.Liu guozheng decryption: now we simulate many of foreign players players are seconded before the contest, because our team has a Division, you only do their thing on it, and we also have a lot of great talent. As the training, their learning, their combat ability is strong, at the local team leader, cut players especially suited for, like the men's team in the pastDing Song, now girls Fan Ying, are the concepts for the best players in the same period. Cut players when in external competitions, often received worked wonders. But the competition within the team, because every day in training, team-mates tend to be familiar with cut shots of players, cut players not easy accomplishments. So, last cut of many outstanding players have become ' members. Dug the talent war foreign masterWhen ' while the whole world is wondering how to play Chinese, but China's table tennis team was able by virtue of its strong influence in attracting a number of foreign players willing to act as a training before the match. At the world table tennis championships, shortly before in the Asian Championship and team-mate Louis Saha defeated Ma Lin/Zhang Jike combination on India engineers achangta to get this kind of opportunity, accompany Xu Xin is responsible for training.Liu Guoliang asked Chang made a strike, Xu Xin had to play one more, in order to promote the quality of training of Xu Xin. "To the powerful Chinese team learning, would be tantamount to enter the institution of higher learning! "Achangta said, I cherish the opportunity, even when the Chinese players ' pride. Marin and Malone both generals found themselves in a foreign training. Marin to accompanyPractice is from Austria "Corps overseas" satellite Chen, Malone ' is Croatia player andeleiye. It is understood that the 40 satellites on the list of ' Chen's frequent, and the former national champion of every initiative to submit a request for a military assignment, not good cutting players in the men's team, so the satellite has a wide place-Chan-he likes to break the ice in different ways. Although chopLaw, but also occasionally mock Marin CHAN's combination of fast ARC-ARC method to deal with it. Their training is the most interesting, the effect is very obvious. By acting as ', andeleiye for strong deep experience of the Chinese team: "very happy to train, Chinese players are great, I'm good, Malone won 5, I have won 1, gameProcess is very exciting. China's attack speed is not fast, but more threatening than the European players. Reasonable technique and tactics, perfect convergence of technology, is a strong reason why the Chinese team. "Liu guozheng decryption: before the Chinese table tennis team went to Borussia Dortmund in, first in Austria Schrag adaptability training of table tennis school for a one-week, in order to let players find touch,Men's team coach Liu Guoliang transferred from national teams to at least over more than 10 '. In addition, in July or August each year (when there are relatively few games), we will invite foreign players to train with us, for each other is a good thing, and we do not engage in special, from one point, treatment of foreign athletes even better than our team. Technology purchase ballsTester, fitness coach nicknamed 007 at the world table tennis championships, Singapore players Li Jiawei racket because sponge problem under the judges questioned nearly to temporarily replace the paddle. Rackets like Warrior weapon in the hands of tera power leveling, if you are not using the familiar bat in the match, players combat effectiveness will be compromised. To reduce it to appear in the world series "of non-combat attrition", 2009 years in April, a man named "Thunder" racket Tester ping appeared in a country girl in the team's training center. It is understood that this is used to detect whether the racket using inorganic glue compliance instrument prices at around 80,000 yuan. In addition to hardware launched high-tech, software, ping is also vague tera gold, and ping before and there is no specific fitness coach tera gold, the players physical fitness exercise is limited toRunning and equipment exercises. Now, even as far as London's "007" personally also worked as a physical "Butler", who was born in London, working in the United States the AP (Athletes Performance, leading global provider of comprehensive physical training, physiotherapy and nutrition services) employee named JAMES FINN, ping-girlsAre jokingly told him to JAMES BOND (zhanmushi·bangde), but the "007" mission, is based on the characteristics of table tennis with the players ' body, design science of physical training, physical recovery plan. In Zhongshan in training preparing for the world table tennis championships, balls a day before training, women will be half an hour ping of China physical training, Done by James coaches work together with the Chinese side. After the end of physical training, James left in the venue, hold the IPAD continues to "prepare". Liu guozheng decryption: AP is half a year since team came to China, in the United States the main contact sports are basketball, football, ice hockey and football, came to China began after contact, diving and table tennisThese events. Many Members privately to the help from the United States physical fitness experts for advice, they come to us in terms of meaningful, design science can help athletes of physical training courses and physical recovery plans, in addition to preventing injuries, will inspire players in the arena of maximum potential. Spy war "probe" accompanied by camera, professionalTeam intelligence analysis of world table tennis championships, the Olympic Games, the ping is always a mighty, such a team fighting for other countries only "envy envy and hate." Persons selected for the portfolio of large forces, shenhuaijueji, except for players and their head coach, there are "tent" accompanied by. The so-called "probe", that is, spied on opponents of military observers, their taskCan not light, often by ' part-time. This Dortmund world table tennis championships, Chinese table tennis women's team brought a cutting player Fan Ying Cao Zhen, and, whenever the opponent of the Chinese female team competition, 忙活a up two people in stadiums. First, Cao Zhen and Fan Ying to learn each game ball table arrangements, good camera in advance before the opponents, recording competition information, available to play team-mateTechnical and tactical analysis, you know observer recommends that the contestants to win one of the magic. So, in these days of Dortmund, Cao Zhen and Fan Ying has only two events a day, not collecting competitor intelligence, is to accompany team-mates trained. ' Cameo "tent" of the time, after all, is one of the few, "Scout" there not just in front of the competition, and often researchers, to theSaidy study on China's potential rivals in the international competition. The "probe" will compile information to put back to the professional coaching team for analysis, and then ping from country coach to lead the team for analysis and learning, working carefully to each ball, such as the two sides played 9 normally, a topspin 30% high scoring rate than a draw this accurately.Liu guozheng decryption: to rival video is our course, we will came back to study the opponent's technique, style analysis, combined with the technical features of the player itself find a breakthrough. Of course, theory of technique and tactics needed to prop up, Shanghai Institute of physical education will help us in the collection and consolidation of information (including game video, etc), and then we'll put theory to practice, Theory and practice two-pronged approach in order to achieve the result we want. Can't debut game, "probe" will not be lost, national team competition is fair, and when a "Scout" is not a bad thing, team members can learn more about his teammates, because he is your opponent. Not to compete, must have their own reasons, the players will learn from each other, in future efforts, whichIs a virtuous circle. Stringer Ding Xiaoya () Others:

