
banks have reached a net worth wow power leveling banks have reached a net worth - CUWQ

129834176536827500_69Click to view list huzhi 10 times times forward earnings following a share plunge yesterday, weight unit collective fall again in a-shares overall valuation of acceleration of falling into the abyss.  Integrated dynamic value shares (earnings) down to 12.94 times times, also below 1664 and 998 points level. To yesterday's closing price, in accordance with the dynamic caliber of earnings statistics, the two citiesThere were 125 unit yesterday PB, PE also fell below the level of 1664 points, Shanghai Stock Exchange Board at 83. From field observations, and "five golden flowers" became the main Diablo 3 gold, with the Bank as the representatives of the financial sector to reach 21, four lines of "workers, medium, built" valuations under full 1664 points. In the extractive industries of China Petroleum ChinaPetrochemical latest valuations are at historically low levels, its absolute share price yesterday hit new lows again. "Five golden flowers" most belonging to a cyclical industry, is also representative of a-shares of blue-chip, leading blue-chip values appear on the rare low. CSI 300 rolling price-earnings ratio (excluding negative) 10.58 times only wow power leveling, not only lower than 1664 12.69 times times when even more than 20June 05 12.03 times when times are much lower. A shares had ushered in "end of valuation", is the end of the market has come to? Oriental securities chief strategist Shao Yu says, cannot say now that the market has entered the bottom dynamic value is based on market for macroeconomic performance prediction of listed companies and on the basis of who can guarantee that the second half ofGrowth and earnings of listed companies must be better than a quarter. "Diamond formation at the end of the market requires a certain amount of time, it takes patience. "British securities says Li Daxiao, Director of the Institute, from the vertical at contrast, market valuations in the bottom of the history; on the horizontal, the valuation of stocks and shares are close to May, policy also gives good, economy should be improved,What market opportunities as a whole is still at the bottom of; most worried about is the external markets, Greece's debt problems will take some time. CIC securities senior analyst Xu Xiaoyu said, the market downward trend has not changed, should not be changed within two years, fell below 2,132 points is only a matter of time. Low PE, PB valuation indexes, total market value of sharesIs more than the 6,000 points level. Valuations are low, but not new for funding to support so many chips, market not good.  Much like a draught 20-metre ship, but the actual depth of 10 meters, the water that is the capital. NET----------------------------banks breaking end-marketsHow far is also yesterday, the banking sector as a whole decreased by 1.6%, decreases in second. However, Hua Xia Bank (600015.SH) and the Bank of communications (601328.SH) has fallen below net asset. Combined shares plunged yesterday, with institutional investors on the business news reporter, banks have reached a net worth, sharesFall to where, the stock market should not be too far away at the bottom. Weak trend of Huaxia Bank on June 4, at 9:56 yesterday, which reported $ 9.66, fallen below net asset per share ($ 9.68), company shares closed the day at $ 9.54. While the Bank of communications is below net asset, June 4 is further decreased by 1.52% per cent to $ 4.55.In response, General Manager of Novo Nordisk Foundation Pan Fuxiang said on Twitter, banks has gone through quite a long time after fierce debate, remains in full view below under net assets, is not so much the market non-rational emotional catharsis, rather a true picture of investor pessimism about the future. Banking shares fell, now fears nothing more than two reasons, aIs the economic downturn triggered non-performing assets increase, another non-symmetrical cut. Western securities said Cheng Xiaoming, for companies with higher debt ratio (leverage), depreciation of the assets, net worth will be reduced to zero, Bank it is. Private yongwang in Shanghai Huang Shujun told reporters that, head of asset, Bank profit turning point has the header, should be passed in the high-growth era. FallBreak the net assets, in his view, the Bank once a large number of bad loans, "the mentioning of bad debt there is no profit." But the head of a Beijing-funded Canal were of the view that bank stocks plunged in the near future Rift Platinum, is accompanied by the market's decline, particularly on June 4 fell clearly, banks fall almost at least. While the market fell, the Chinese tube head, on the one hand the external macroView bad environment, on the other hand are mainly eight ministries and called for accelerated international Board, frightened investors.  For asymmetric market rumours that a rate cut, the official said, "it is not reliable for." For the future, a private head, told reporters in Shanghai, banking stocks rebounded after falling, but the sector as a whole has no chance this year, so that even if fell not toBottom, "such stocks given justified opportunities are small. "Regulators has been recently emphasized that blue-chip stocks, encouraging investment in value, but the latest is PetroChina (601857.SH), a record low, China (600028.SH), China Unicom (600050.SH) low for the year, also in the edge of the net assets of the Bank unit. "KeyIs the market has no money, industrial capital keep cash, a serious lack of funds in the market, economic decline, natural market share to fall. "A private told reporters in Shenzhen, he believed that as the industrial assets continue to cash in, the new company continued into the securities market, securities market severely short of money, leading to large stocks fall in a row. (Business news) 123Next page Others:

