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129833943166875000_312Policies to benefit brokers see new energy vehicles New energy auto industry positive frequency in the near future, the State Council and the Ministry of Finance introduced support policies, including the provision of financial support and release the restriction of individual city policies, and so on. Brokers believe that future public acceptance and demand for new energy vehicles will be improved significantly, promising listed companies with mature models and has a technology upgrade potential equipment suppliers. Recently, the State Council Executive meetingDiscussed by the "Twelve-Five" national strategic industry development plan, which States that new energy auto industry to accelerate high-performance batteries, motors, and other core technology research and development and application of critical components and materials, formed industrial system. Meanwhile, the Ministry also pointed out that in the near future will be a year from 1 billion to 2 billion yuan of funds supporting the development of industrialization of new energy vehiclesInvolving new energy automobile license plates, polar, auctions, restrictions and other restrictions will be abolished as soon as possible. Qi Lu securities said, similar to cancel a restriction, significant personal purchase subsidy policy will help improve public acceptance of new energy vehicles Diablo 3 gold, promoting the development of electric vehicle technology. Under the strong demand and financial subsidies, some mileage of vehicle users would sacrifice life,Performance, reliability, and so choose to use existing immature electric car, which will improve public acceptance of electric vehicles, while also promoting charging device and charging stations for electric vehicles supporting infrastructure development, thereby nurturing electric bus technology, such as promotion of relatively mature models, form a virtuous cycle of electric vehicle industry chain in the near future. China Securities agreed that the policy requires the pilotCity abolished as soon as possible, new energy automobile license plate auction, shake, restrictions and other restrictions, introduced parking fees, electricity prices, road tolls and other support policies, speed up infrastructure construction such as charging stations. In the first-tier cities, shaking, restrictions, parking fees, will greatly promote the development of demand-side, provide substantive conditions for private purchases of new energy vehicles, speeding up the private electric vehicle market to start,Dan mature models, introduced at a suitable price, sales caused by the pilot first broke out. Founder securities were of the view that hybrid buses will benefit in the short term policy more visible. Research report, energy-saving and new energy for the second half of this year will usher in the observed phase of bus. First of all this "ten city qianliang" planning ' Iceman ' of the year. Cities need to meet planning. Second, the publicCars are most vulnerable to policy support and industrialization of imported cars and hybrid electric bus has been showing the economic benefits, hybrid electric buses that run to run for two years in some cities can cost. Accordingly, the founder securities national energy-saving and new energy buses in the second half is expected to increase to 6000-8000 vehicles. Conservatively assuming that $ 400 SWTOR Credits,000 bus subsidies, increasedSubsidy of 10,000 is $ 4 billion, finance can afford. On the investment object, Qi Lu securities recommendations concerned has matured on the electric vehicle and battery technology company of the leading domestic level. Meanwhile, development of technologies relatively easy charging device, electric motor, electric control system manufacturers to benefit more, motor, auto electrics and power source are the ocean will benefit and, finally, ifRelax restriction of can be extended to weakly mixing models, represented by the Camry mixed Japanese cars needs to be disposed of, it is recommended that concerned about GAC. China Securities also bullish on equipment supplies such as batteries, includes lithium iron phosphate batteries for electric vehicles leading chengfei integration, leading BMS desay battery Diablo 3 power leveling, etc. [Scroll] European stocks were mixed sightGreece stock index tumbled 5.09% (06-06) [scroll] Germany Frankfurt DAX index on June 5 by 0.15% (06-06) [scroll] Paris CAC40 indices on June 5, trading closed at 2986.1 points (06-06) [scroll]IPO termination of audit companies mostly in the feedback stage evacuation (06-06) [scroll] China's banking industry last year factoring record of 2.24 trillion (06-06) [rolling]10 hit a nearly 16-month high in trading volume of urban housing (06-06) [scroll]China will introduce private investment rules for the new article 36 in the first half (06-05) [scroll] national meeting to discuss solutions to the food crisis in West Africa (06-05) [scroll] shell network CEO Ji Shisan: success is waiting (06-05) [scroll] China investmentFunding 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synthesizer | 54 city commercial House transaction after restriction of high | Developer inventory sold in November [CPI increase forecast]5 months 3.2%| New credit 732.5 billion | PPI drop 1.2%| Qian MayConsumption up by 14.2% Spain coal miners strike [financial] stagnation of China vanke: developer Outlook not optimistic enough inventory to sell 11 months [financial] King disputes along reconstruction progress outside card said it had received a subpoena [financial] State-owned enterprises in Tianjin is aeration for the private-sector debt induced loss of State assets exceeded 2 billion [financial] five senior executivesAnnual salary of over 1.6 million positive of China insurance regulatory Commission to promote marketing [stock] Xiamen tungsten industry investment of 2 billion out of the 300 billion of the world's largest tungsten mine was born [stock] evaporation 735.7 billion a-shares on the a-share market day, full of the broken end of 998 [commercial] Internet competition: more control out of business school: Regal charging through the [commercial] top 500 18 woman CEO Maxim separation of the Regal 7: nude donated the most ingenious [financial] used car vehicle, bank employee: no deposit resource bank [banking] network pool of monthly income of $ brokerages: brokerage reduced and shareholders independent Xiamen tungsten co found the largest tungsten mine in 2011 United States top ten funds Others:

