
good manners

129836375498906250_163Sabrina HO and her boyfriend were sisters back four was too hard to care, son-in-law Sabrina HO and Greg last year on new year's Eve is happy to attend the party. Four is informed that her daughter broke up a sense of surprise. Wang Hehong Oriental daily reported on June 8 bet four daughter Sabrina HO HO and her boyfriend Greg to burst out at the beginning, journalist scoop Sabrina Ho Korea gaining lonely back to Hong Kong, but she was denied, both of the recent four years finally come to a close! Sabrina Ho yesterday inTwitter announce "Sub", although stressed and Greg "goodbye friend", but as Greg too Angel Leung as son-in-law of four (click to see Angel film and video of the Justice Mission) is a pity, that Sabrina HO may be affected by person or expressed pendulum! Gambling King daughter Sabrina HO and her boyfriend Greg, dating for four years already moving on to talk about marriage on the wedding stages, bet King had urged the marriage, had been more threatenedCollege graduation is married, thinking that two people will enter the outside world as the Church, burst out at the beginning of this year "", followed by Super full and good sisters in Korea Seoul therapy after injury, was photographed by reporters she's like my sister "explosive e Super Lotus" Zhong Caixi lonely back Hong Kong, boyfriend Greg not peer, bringing the two to break up full of rumors. Super Ho Ying later denied that, but her last few days of TwitterImplied emotional twists, last month alone "fled" the United States, breaking up unexpectedly, announced yesterday in her weibo and Greg! It is learned that this affair very seriously by both sides, trying to rescue, eventually decided to break up peace. Suggesting that irreparable injury yesterday morning, Sabrina Ho Twitter published a hundred words of the single declaration, announced four-year draw period and Greg (click to seePeriod film the event?! ), Broke up although she did not disclose reasons, but still maintain the old love, she and Greg "goodbye friends", she said: "I'm single, please don't guess, he is a friend of a very important. Please give him space, always give your plain and simple, I'm sorry. "During her HouseTried to maintain this affair: "If you ever come to my world, I know you have to work hard to accept but there are some things cannot be forced. "Finally, Sabrina Ho wrote:" people will change, in different stages of different people and the pursuit was normal, time in which there is only one person for a lifetime of fairy tales? Is the love that we think we have a better, wish you happiness. "Unknown whether there is a third partyIntervention, journalists call He Chao ying, however, she was not answering the phone. Little quarrels and Sabrina HO's mother, four on weekdays too Angel Leung yesterday in France to visit his son, she noted that her daughter on the phone, "" in the sense of surprise after saying: "Ah? Is not it? Is a fighting display showy movement in wushuts? "Break up she said if it really will regret and praised Greg is a good man:" if it is trueWell unfortunately, I took a liking to him, basically no one not to admire the boy, he is well good, good manners read more, and tutors http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, and he is really good love He Chao ying. "Four refers to two people too little quarrel on weekdays, think Sabrina Ho pendulum or expressed by others:" daughter of temper, or pendulum or expressed by others, I often teach my woman to be vigilant, to distinguish black and white, you want to know how toAt present! "Many like Greg as being sincere, responsible and caring, noted that the two are not happy after they broke up, and call in the United States participate in the graduation ceremony of Super full understanding, is the daughter wanted to save this relationship. "Forget the love of sth" early out "" He Chao ying, insisted that the rumor is untrue, but broke up early last month finally reveal mystery. At that timeSabrina HO in the United States, Twitter and wrote: "the people have some say a secret all his life, do not pull back to sorry, touch not to dream, forget love. "Just a few sentences, lines have been very clear that reminds her mother saying:" everyone when only their own bath are true, people wear clothes began to show. "Hejia sisters supporting Lotus: Hello braveHejia four rooms and dating the daughter of Sabrina Ho Yu Weibo announced 4 years after the break up of Greg, hejia sisters message support, three rooms and two daughter He Chaoyun and Laurinda on microblogging messages, Super Lotus praised Super Ying announced "" very brave, she said, "Hello sister courage, you blessed him. "And He Chaoyun said:" the support you! "But with user comments, ask her whatBreak up and when Chen Shancong, wrote: "when you're single, to remember when notified. "In addition, He Chaoyun just cut short hair, also uploaded yesterday with his father gambling warm picture of Wang Hehong HO, told father that friends have criticized her hairstyle, she said:" I told the Dr (father), users do not like my hair, he says impossible to please everyone, no need to�� Moreover, even if the world did not like, he also. I cried again. "Tang Beishi sent blessings Iris broke up peaceful Super full of the good sister" explosive e Super Lotus "Zhong Caixi (Iris) yesterday on the phone said, learned that a friend broke up with Greg, she disclosed that peace between the two sides broke up:" Unfortunately, they are breaking up peace, now is a good friend,Care for each other. "Ask Sabrina Ho quarrels break causes are often Greg? Iris does not have a positive response, but said: "I don't speak, could be their time feeling light, found friends rather than doing a lover. "Sabrina HO mentioned earlier to marry each other, Iris said:" life is so long, there will be variable, breaking up is good to normalThings, and now she's in the United States and friends, are very happy. "Poem and another friend He Chao ying Tangbe, yesterday on the phone do not respond to" break up ", but still did not forget to send Sabrina Ho best wishes. Love go pale Say Bye more full and Greg dating four years, feeling better, Greg was stable "son-in-law King of gambling", unfortunately, the last still cannot escape the "min",Sad! Love Sabrina Ho said in early 2009 and Greg in the United Kingdom studying knowledge, her boyfriend quit smoking abstinence ring night Po, love is sweet, was photographed kissing start; Greg in 2010 by the United Kingdom back to Hong Kong, with my girlfriend after Easter, two sweet Kiss at the airport for three minutes, seemed to wind up! Marriage period full of the feelings and Greg strong, Greg was gambling Tycoon and four too Angel Leung approval "future son-in-law", when Sabrina HO is determined to marry after graduation, Greg stable "gambling son-in-law Wang"; and Sabrina HO in micro-Hirohide sweet: "find the boys I go. "Low-key and Greg often double in He Chao ying, arrived separately several times last year, and outgoing to people feeling light redLight, but Sabrina Ho explains boyfriend pressures, for romance, low profile, afraid of marriage being destroyed. Breaking up is outgoing love waves He Chao ying, similar all-female class at the beginning of this year to the Korea Tourism divergent, face when returning to Hong Kong I am silent and not in the mood, but she denies, and boyfriend in Korea play separately; to yesterday, her Twitter declared "single", and Greg love affair ended!

