
returned to you within 7 working days. "Two days later SWTOR Credits returned to you within 7 work

129823442345625000_97Move the button consumer complaint refund Southern rural News (reporter Wei Wei) "I have to turn off your cell phone, open the phone and found mobile and took me 2 traffic charges, there is no access to the Internet, but where's the traffic charges! "For frequently being cost of Internet traffic in the near future, Mr Yang was angered of Dongguan Humen. Catch is, Mr young to move customer service representative to reflect deductions traffic charges after the second day, he 1 toMay buckle traffic charges amounting to $ 46, returned to the Dr. Foshan xingtan town, Mr Leung also had similar experiences, are "lucky" to return the cost of access to mobile. Just never again revert to one's former State in a few days. Traffic charges sense being "I don't have access to the Internet, turn off your cell phone all day long, open or is says button 2. "Since last October, Mr YangWill its China line phone card for to new buy of phone Shang Hou, mobile will gesanchawu or continuous days made to buckle fee SMS, "average each months will is buckle off 10 to 20 Yuan of flow fee, I of phone on more than 300 more Yuan, function is simple SWTOR Credits, I only used to playing call, made made SMS, has never are no click had Internet of that icon" Dr Mr suspected phone has problem, 519th, reporters followed him found a repair phone shop, "deduction fees we are unable to repair, this is moving things, you have certainly not open GPRS traffic package, after opening will not buckle. "Mobile phone repair shop's boss tells Mr Yang, also encounter such a situation," I now repair the iPhone just receive one button 2Traffic charges for SMS, this has nothing to do with the phone itself, your phone is not in need of repair. "Subsequently, journalist Dr cell phone dialed 10,086, mobile customer service says," your traffic consumption does little in the last 5 months, I believe that you do not have Internet access from mobile phones, may be the mobile consumption of some software automatically updates the traffic or if you accidentally click on the mobile MonternetAnd so on, and you can't open the traffic package, from time to time so buckle your fees, if you open the traffic flow of the package it will consume packages, buckle your costs. We can according to your needs to help you block out mobile Monternet, help you identify buckle nearly 5 months traffic charges, returned to you within 7 working days. "Two days later, Yang received a mobile refund nearly 5Buckle for $ 46 a month traffic charges. Similar to the Dr, xingtan town, Foshan Liang also told this reflected the move often deducted 2 traffic charges, but did not receive bail fee SMS, learned he was checking balances incurred fees. "Checking balances as well as $ 6.91 in the morning, not on the phone is placed on the desktop, 8:30 check the balance of only $ 4.46. "FunnyIs that Mr Leung urged to move after the service, they will last 5 months fee withheld $ 12 flow returned to his. On May 13, the beam also requests to move his shield SWTOR Power Leveling, dream NET, but on the day May 18 reporters, moved and took the $ 2 traffic charges. Blame illegal SP? 2010 CCTV 3��15 party exposures per cent of the "power button"Fee issues, reveals mobile operators and SP (VAS providers) chain of collusion of interests into underground. The end of March 2010, held an internal meeting of China Mobile, tentatively scheduled in 3 months (July 1) SP business all of exit is copycat of the network access license (including parallel importers mobile phone) Diablo 3 gold, or cease operations. April 2010Ministry issued the regulations on mobile phone customization management, clearly defined custom mobile phone may not be built in curing SP code, link and SP of SP service client software, must combat the internal curing SP. However, from this newspaper recently received consumer complaints can be found, internal curing resurgence of SP, and its scope is not limited to the cottage, smartphonesAlso exists. "While moving the buckle traffic charges for individual consumers, not many but moved hundreds of millions of users, which add up to the number is very large, this buckle is pretty bad. "Mao Qiying communications industry observers told reporters. "Is rogue software or illegal SP operators blame the network, while the operator has an unshirkable responsibility, after allProvide network operators have to them. "Analysis of Mao Qiying," both consumers this is the case, may be three reasons: one is the handset for the cottage, carrying some rogue software, networking and automatic on-demand automatically SP business, or Smartphone, features more itself with many software and software updates consume some traffic. Second is illegal SP service passCleverly setting traps in the related service, or inducing or forced to buckle and not texting reminders button, users will find Maoni only enquire account balance. Three is not careful to dream network or some other site. "Mao Qiying believes that is now entering an era of smart phones, rogue software and increasingly rampant illegal SP, has become a social problem,Rogue software and illegal SP governance should be strengthened, while operators in self-regulation be provided assistance. Lawyers say suspected violations of property rights of consumers "move button consumer traffic charges suspected of violating the property rights of consumers. "Mao Jingwen PCG law firms lawyers in Beijing said" arrest of traffic charges in this matter very well defined by law, consumers winAlso very likely, but consumers don't usually spend a lot of time and effort for dozens of lawsuit to thresh grain and consumer complaint moved quickly to restore the deduction of expenses, so the matter if the proceedings, seemingly simple, actually it is quite complex. �� Others:

