
in service critical 3C of digital products on the market

129838017188906250_56Evian mineral water check out toxic nitrite 6 years 6 black list (File photo) recently, high-end brands of mineral water "Evian" again due to excessive nitrite on the "black list", though Evian official statement then, the product in question is not imported from official sources, is now actively contact request review. But for consumers, worries far elimination: over all "official channels"? Why toxic nitrite in mineral water?On the drink "safe water" how hard it is? This reporter conducted an investigation. Double-sided Evian: "parallel import" to blame? Recently, the AQSIQ announced the recent batch of imported food and cosmetics are not qualified information, from France's well-known mineral water brand Evian on the "black list", which is the third degree of the brand because of excessive nitrite "listed". Evian officialLater responded that, "products are not covered by the import from official channels, could not confirm the products produced by clouds, is now actively contact review by the State General Administration of quality supervision. "But for consumers, worries far elimination: over Evian, is" private channel "to blame? Danone Evian food marketing (Shanghai) when Ning Dai, China General Manager told reportersSaid that only designated distributor of the brand in mainland China for Hong Kong into trading (Shenzhen) limited, however, over the years, mainland China still exist on the market around 10% "parallel import" products. Bulletin display of the State General Administration of quality supervision, the detection of importers of substandard Evian natural drinking water for nature trading limited company of Beijing, covering 2. 376 tons of products. In November last year, 9. 6 tons of Evian natural mineral water from nitrite is not eligible to be destroyed, its importer for the Beijing prosperous times trading co. www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, Ltd. Data also show that in January last year, caused by Beijing's Sihai Mann Borg wine industry, Beijing Xiang international trade, Beijing tianyuan import 8 batch 80. 44 tons of Evian is also checked out excessive nitrite. WearNing, and two on excessive nitrite, the product concerned imported from Evian is not official channels. At present, imports of the main customs in Tianjin link, Shanghai and Shenzhen, imported cases each year in the mega-level and above. In accordance with foreign trade and industry, "parallel import" refers to the products to enter the Chinese market through unofficial channels, and "parallel imports" does notIs that these products were imported through normal customs procedures payment of tariffs, it is not illegal. However, the brand of headache, "parallel import" products will lead to different market "goods", the dealer has a formal agency interests cannot be protected, in service critical 3C of digital products on the market, consumers purchased "parallel import"Is "Pandora". And it is because of "parallel import", two packages of Evian on the market will appear. Packed with most common plastic bottles currently on the market, for example, official channels of imported bottles of Evian natural mineral water being a Chinese label, without additional labelling, and indicate the importer for "Hong Kong", and in the pink sticker on the label close to the Chinese, it isChannels of imported mineral water.

