
still 73 times times its historical earnings Diablo 3 power leveling still 73 times times its hist

129834176558233750_124As stock prices tumbled, Zuckerberg immediately from the 4 billion of the world's rich list of the drop. US Eastern time close May 30, Facebook per cent to us $ 28.19, than the previous trading day's closing price fell to 2.25%. 38 dollars issue price had fallen to 25%. Zuckerberg held by stock market from May 18, 1Dropped to $ 9.4 billion US $ 14.4 billion, is no longer the top 40 richest man in the world. Of course, he may not care about this matter, he is now and new wife to enjoy Italy honeymoon vacations. In Facebook's IPO to become an unprecedented poor performance when he is starting his expansion and transformation meterStroke. "About Facebook these days various rumours of a takeover bid, which all require substantial financial support. "Capital Investment Advisors Chief Investment Officer Matt Reiner said in an interview with this reporter," I believe that Facebook has always been (that is,Prior to the listing) is committed to finding a variety of channels, is monetizing its empire now. Zuckerberg has also gathered a group of help around Facebook listing people, they are common in charge, correct channel.����"Mobile business expansion who can not underestimate the magnificent blueprint of 28 young hearts. On May 30, FacebookAt the Falls Park, California (Menlo Park) headquarters expansion plan was approved by the local government. The new headquarters will be able to accommodate 6,600 people work at the, and now Facebook headquarters at about 2,200 employees. As a compensation for the environmental effects, Facebook will be paid annually to the Government $ 850,000������It was reported that many of these new employees were preparing for the Facebook developing your own smart phones in the future. Previously, under about Facebook going to buy Norway rumours of a mobile Internet browser Opera also makes speculations about Zuckerberg's next expansion plans continue. This deal has been even analystsIs another single after Instagram Facebook $ 1 billion worth of acquisitions. At the same time, there are also rumors that Israel face recognition service was Facebook Face.com fancy, may be acquired by the latter also reports that Facebook is interested in Moscow's stakes in search engine Yandex also������In this regard, Matt Reiner said that recent market investors and media concern about Facebook is a bit excessive, not excluding the hearsay use Facebook raising their share price motivations, but from a pre-IPO since the Facebook acquisition Instagram, there are signs of industrial expansion. So far, Whether hard or not hard information, are pointing in the same direction: mobile business. Long-term United States CEO of Acquity Group and engaged in private equity investment Group CEO Lu Guangming tells reporters: "these are taken into account in the talks of acquisition reflected, Facebook is very clear, they must be established immediately and mobile industryWorks more closely associated, the mobile Internet is the next wave of technology, they cannot afford to miss this opportunity losses. "He said, Facebook is a product of Internet browser mode, its real assets are more than each of its monthly average of more than 900 million users. But as the era of mobile Internet technology, Facebook knows, through social mediaUser growth of income has reached the top, they had to look for new opportunities to increase business, and translate into real revenue as soon as possible. Convince investors these industrial expansion plan and realize, requires large sums of money into. This may explain why Zuckerberg made it to this year's IPO, why does Facebook insist on 38Ultra high price of us $. "I don't think he is a bad idea to IPO now, from the perspective of a company Executive TERA Gold, can now be raised from the IPO of the company capital, far more than the 6-12 months ago. And whereabouts after the IPO price, cannot be a reason for questioning Zuckerberg now listed. ��MattReiner said.����On May 18, Facebook initial public offering, on sale for $ 38 price 420 million shares, the amount raised reached $ 16 billion, US $ 104.1 billion in the market value. Matt Reiner said, he now to solve the problem is, how to get the majority of the public investorMdash; rather than venture capitalists, institutional investorsUs $.����Among them, ad revenue fell from last year to a total revenue of 85%, 3.145 billion dollars, but its status as a primary source of revenue remains unshakable.����Lu Guangming said previously, Facebook mobile clients are unable to implant more ads, this way I'm afraid is a dead end. He tries to break through social networkingEarnings limitations of media efforts, through a number of acquisitions demonstrate.����And a lot of money for investment acquisitions, profit growth of 50% I'm afraid it could not be maintained.����Lu Guangming believes that when the acquisition of intellectual property becomes a new strategy, Facebook to transition, transformation can ensure growth at the same time, it's hard to say. But the current zhakeboYou really don't have to worry too much. Despite the price all the way down, but Facebook is still an expensive stock Diablo 3 gold, still 73 times times its historical earnings Diablo 3 power leveling, according to the statistics, now Google is 17.75 times times forward earnings, Apple is 13.92 times. Facebook shares some breathing space. Others:

