
master said TERA Gold master said - KMYL

129833416165421250_809At night, local residents were setting off firecrackers on June 3 take a public Temple "some time ago a 4.8 earthquake in Tangshan, fall of the temple, dedicated to collecting pure youth and maiden" market rumours, Hebei cities firecrackers continuously. According to locals, Fireworks is to "ward off evil". "Collapse of the Temple" rumors involving public Temple in Qingyuan County, country,Xiong County Queen of temple and many other versions. Yesterday, and some Buddhist Association in hengshui Hebei Baoding and relevant departments have come forward to refute rumors, a reminder not to believe not. Police said the rumors will be investigated. Like Fireworks in the night on par at holidays on May 31 after supper TERA Gold, Hebei province West village of xianxian suddenly began setting off firecrackers. At first, most of the villagers did notBecause after the death of local people, night "Fireworks" of custom. Soon SWTOR Credits, however, firecrackers went up in different directions. After about 40 minutes, Firecracker sound coming from all directions, and growing, its lively and the Chinese new year. Many of the villagers are alarmed, and asked each other with puzzled: "what's going on? Did the death of so many people? "Some of the villagersTake to the streets talk with each other, while others are called little xianglixiangqin ask. End of the phone to answer was: "is setting off firecrackers, and the new year. "Reporter learned that, although fireworks of the night, but most of the villagers do not know why, but" the crowd ", watching the others discharge, discharge, there's always a reason. Investigate rumorsBroadcast versions vary rapidly with the Fireworks team has grown, a related "winged beast" legends abroad. About 9 o'clock that night, most of the villagers know the "origin", while versions varied, but the most widely spread on the ground: "some time ago a 4.8 earthquake in Tangshan, fall of the temple, dedicated to pure youth and maiden collection. "So, more villagers joined in,Setting off firecrackers. At the same time, some people are starting to ask, in addition to the Fireworks, what can I do? Was out of food with canned peaches, others on the body or on tying a red string. Reporter investigations, with the exception of "fall of the temple," other than the most widely, there are also other claims, some said to be somewhere in "temple-building, need pure youth and maiden"; some are said to be: "This year is the Dragon, Dragon of pure youth and maiden this few days done in Fireworks. "3rd morning in the Baoding urban area within the Park, breakfast, people in groups of whisper, set tongues wagging. In the Baoding Baidu search to "collapse of the Temple" rumours involving public Temple of the goddess of Mercy Temple, Xiong County Queen in Qingyuan County, country, based on old nainaimiao, xushui, mancheng, renqiu, Cangzhou and many versions. On the Tangshan earthquake collapsed the temple, also users to respond to untrusted, Tangshan netizens said, the quake level is very low, there was no damage, where in Tangshan has not heard of the temple collapsed. Rumor fire firecracker fireworks were snapped up and the reporters learned that the Fireworks, two days before in other rural villages in Hebei province hasBegan to appear, involved in Baoding City, Cangzhou city and hengshui city. In the homes of local villagers, were more or less left some firecrackers, mainly when the Chinese new year Festival and the rest. Nevertheless, the firecrackers started to fire on the ground. A remaining stock for the new year firecrackers in zhangcun village, on the evening of May 31 was sold out. This Fireworks both pleased and surprised,Tight looking for wholesaler stocking, results did not realize is that there is also a shortage of firecrackers, in short supply. Reporters saw, a villager who failed to buy firecrackers, can go to someone's House to find two large fireworks. Some villagers on this proposed questioned: "local spread was born two years ago needs relative to buy buy red eggs, red trousers and Red belt, autumn clothing in autumn SWTOR CD-key, resulting in not only egg pricesRose, red autumn clothing and Red belts are not buying now. "Rumor yesterday, the local authorities came forward to denial for" the temple to collapse your child "rumor yesterday, Baoding City, Hebei province Cangzhou, hengshui Buddhist Association and the Ministry of public security of the Buddhist Association door to come forward to refute rumors. Baoding Buddhist Association said in a statement on their official website, Baoding public Temple Dojo now solemn Majesty, No questions like how to temple or tower. Sincerely hope that we treasure the current excellent situation of harmonious and stable, and does not believe ballad or ballad. Hengshui Buddhist Association has been received recently asked. To this end, hengshui, President of the Buddhist Association of secondary air Mage come forward to refute rumors, master said: "looks a little rumour, spread to every corner of society, they are like a plague does notFault-propagation and intensification, caused lasting damage to society as a whole. Rumours I hope the relevant authorities to have some impact trace. "The Cangzhou police said yesterday:" this phenomenon is certainly due to the rumors, some villagers setting off firecrackers is a herd mentality, see discharge discharge. The rumors of fireworks is a Fireworks manufacturing,Also pending investigation. "A folklore expert, told reporters yesterday, Hebei province:" some good folk culture and customs in rural areas need protection and heritage development, such as local opera, Yangge land boat, suona Horn blowing. But for some feudal superstitions to break, on rumors want the villagers or not listening, or not, in the future. "This version of the article/reporter Liu Jianwu recentlyHebei cities and rural spread "collapse of the Temple", "pure youth and maiden collection" rumours spread quickly, differing versions, but it is the same in Fireworks. In this regard, yesterday's Buddhist Association, the Association of Buddhism in hengshui, Cangzhou city of Baoding public security and other departments have come forward to be rumor. Buddhist Association in Baoding City, Hebei Province issued a statement on their official website, saying the city Qingyuan CountyPublic Temple "Dojo solemn Majesty now, there is no temple or pagoda questions like how to", I hope you do not believe ballad. Press memory state public public Temple of Kwan-yin Temple located in the village of Qingyuan County, Yan Zhuang village public, covers an area of 45 MU, building scale after Zhao County, in Hebei province hundred forest Temple. The temple was built in the Sui and Tang dynasties, Temple, Hall stand, pagoda towering. Buildings and constructionBuilding styles have a larger impact in the surrounding area, became locally famous "Guanyin Temple twin towers" landscape. (Beijing Youth daily) (Editors: Zhang Jun) Others:

