
buy swtor continuing high oil prices not only induce a new global round of inflation expectations -

129773160518593750_157Since March diablo 3 gold, geopolitics and the double restriction of demand, NYMEX oil price into the box the oscillation pattern, price has been running in the $ 104-110 range. On Friday, European Union enlargement and extend Iran sanctions resolution, under the influence of, international oil prices reverse week decline in one fell swoop. As of Friday, WTI light crude oil in May week edged down 0.18% buy swtor, 106.87 dollars/barrel; ICE May Brent closed at 125.13 USD/barrel. According to the closing price of two crude oil spreads narrowed slightly to $ 18.26 per barrel. On Friday, in Brussels, the 27-nation bloc agreed to Iran sanctions against oil embargo extended to April 13 next year. The sanctions continue to add upConditions, this year Iran oil exports are expected to face significant downside risks. Petrologistics advisory body expects Iran March oil exports fell by 14%, annual oil exports also fell significantly. Market concerns extend the embargo not only can have a long-term global crude oil supply gap, and will intensify the Iran and the contradictions between Europe and the United States,Local wars, thus leading to greater oil gap appears. Based on the above considerations, France Societe Generale Bank 2012 average NYMEX oil price hike to $ 117 a barrel, Brent crude oil price increases to $ 127 a barrel on average. United States President Barack Obama believes that Iran of long-standing issues and geopolitical turmoil in the Middle East, not only to international oil prices 20-$ 30/barrel premium, but also for the international decline of oil prices diablo 3 gold, there is a large space. Notwithstanding geopolitical factors supporting global oil prices, but demand is expected to weaken pressing of their room. Last week, the Central two largest PMI index unexpectedly fell, causing market on recession fears of weaker demand for crude oil. The International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday, this year the global economyLower-than-expected prospects to weaker oil demand growth. For now, continuing high oil prices not only induce a new global round of inflation expectations, but will also touch the reserves of crude oil to sell stocks of sensitive nerves. Overall, will inhibit the poor global economic Outlook usher in a rally in oil prices. In the geopolitical and demand is expected to weaken under the influence of future oil prices will be in a dilemmaPosition box oscillation pattern will become the main trend of international oil prices run. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

