
diablo 3 gold pensions play a model role elsewhere - UHI

129773160554531250_226Huarong Securities Research Institute recently published research reported that Guangdong province took the lead in promoting pension market is just a beginning. If you can operate successfully and obtain attractive earnings, pensions play a model role elsewhere, promoting more local pension Commission of social security funds. Pension market's long term goal is undoubtedly in response to population ageing in China was at its peak, the financial benefits of pressureAnd other issues. From this point on the local pension may go into more of a bond. Huarong securities expects some funds into the stock market diablo 3 gold, but based on the purpose of value and sound investment. Combined with social security funds DAI Xianglong, President of stand, pensions are more likely to invest profits into the stock market stability, relatively high dividends of companies, investments of banks is perhaps the main direction.Although the pension market where one of the first was small, and batch, investments are mainly for fixed income products, direct push to market is limited, but definitely beneficial to boost market confidence. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description diablo 3 gold, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly diablo 3 gold, windAt your own risk. Others:

