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129732029224846250_133Summary of February 6 diablo 3 power leveling, the State Science and technology industry for National Defense Council published a study obtained by a labourer hired by the month, Cheng Change second lunar probe 7-meter resolution image of the Moon, which is currently on the International has released the highest-resolution image of the moon. High resolution-month figure is how to get? It will help future exploration of the Moon?  Please look at this interpretation. “Expedition to go to a new place, always wanted to be more comprehensive and more detailed the information, the better, explore the Moon, too.  "Institute of remote sensing applications Chinese Academy of Sciences academician said Tong Qingxi, resolution 7 m-month figure for further lunar exploration in China and other countries to provide a more complete and precise topography of the underlying data. 7-meter resolution, 100% cover, China MoonImage of the world's leading full moon He Change diablo 3 gold, first get image compared to the resolution of 120 m, Chang-second resolution of 7 m, increased 17 times, you can clearly show the fine lines of moon craters edge, make people appreciate the topography of the Moon is more beautiful. Front Valley of craters of the Moon, for example, Valley about 5 km deep craters, approximately 85 km in diameter,Central peak of about 1.6 km, radiation pattern formed celestial bodies impacting up to 1500 km, very striking, even on the Earth with the naked eye can see.  Through 7-meter resolution image data, you can see the central peak of rocks and cracks at the bottom of the pit, even along the pit collapse and hang along the top of the stones. Back of the Moon, Wiener craters of a satellitePit, about 47 kilometers in diameter.  Through 7-meter resolution image data can be seen inside the crater of tectonic detail, and can be clearly distinguished from impact craters and the bottom edge of the stone, in the Southeast on the pit wall can even be seen traces of the rocks tumble.  In the full moon within the 7-meter resolution "HD vision" identify the Moon's surface, only China can do it. MoonEngineering Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientist at the National Observatory, Yan Jun researcher said, at the international level, resolution better than 7 months, but only partial months;-month figure, but the level of resolution is up to 7 meters.  Chang obtained by the second, 7-meter resolution image of the Moon is by far the most clear one-month figure. Jun Yan said: "we even throughout the monthFigure seen in the Apollo moon landing sites, 11th. "Chang, third landing zone in the future high-precision imaging resolution better than 1.3 Mi Change second spacecraft payload separation systems designer, Director Zhao Baochang researcher said, Chang, first identify craters greater than 360 meters, only the stone, and Chang, second 20 m size of the object can be identified. For example, if a legendary beauty who flew to the MoonE only, first discovered large infrastructure, airports tera power leveling, ports, Chang can be found, second airport of aircraft and ships in the port. In the future is about to land on the Moon, Chang-third Rainbow Bay, by reducing the satellite height and adjust the camera settings, also received a resolution better than 1.3 m high-precision image, select flat for Chang, third placement moreThe underlying data. Why get and efficiency to dramatically increase the resolution of the image? Zhao Bao used to say, "said Chang, first camera was a unilateral, Chang was 96, second only one compound eye consisting of observation of the moon. This is China's scientists access to key technology. "7 m resolution images of the Moon, its data from Chang e second satellite of more than half a yearCollection. October 24, 2010, Chang e, second space flight new CCD stereo camera power on for the first time, successfully Gets the month table image.  According to Chang-second mission science exploration program, as of May 20, 2011, gets a total of 607-orbit altitude of 100 km and 15 km altitude of the Moon image data. Total amount of data than 800GB, full figure after six months produced members of the party group of the National Defense Science and Industry Council, Vice Commander Liu Dongkui said of the lunar exploration program, and Chang-compared to the first satellite, Chang e, second image resolution increased from 120 metres to 7 meters, the amount of data has increased 300 times times, monthly figures made it more difficult and complex. Gets the raw images on the basis of the data, researchers need to be cumbersome,Detail of radiometric and photometric calibration work, and according to the detector image geometric correction of orbit and attitude data, you can restore the true face of the Moon surface topography, geomorphology.  Subsequently, also for image matching, framing and set them, to form the Moon image. After researchers for more than six months of painstaking and meticulous work, 7-meter resolution image of the MoonIn production to complete. Experts said that Chang-7 m resolution images of the Moon, second tone, rich layers, clear image.  Resolution, image quality, image space tessellation accuracy, data consistency and integrity, superior to the international similar products, reached the international advanced level. Produced 7-metre-resolution of full frame image of the Moon products of a total of 746, The total amount of data over 800GB, in accordance with the ratio of 1:8 all of the printed mosaic, picture the size of a football.  At the same time, researchers produced a 50-metre-resolution frame images and data mosaic image of the Moon, as well as full 3D stereoscopic images of the moon. Full moon image data on the international open, Chang-second-month chartCloth, to the Moon and space science research provides more detailed scientific data, marks Chang's main task is run by the detection phase, second stage data and scientific research. Yan Jun, said the high resolution image of the Moon is the Moon the most basic information for scientific research, we study the Moon's physical characteristics and geological structure of the Moon, lunar surface material compositionContent, explore the origin and evolution of the moon has a direct scientific value or of important reference value. "Images have more details structures on the Moon, thus deepening the study of geological structure of the internal structure of the moon. At the same time, to recognize more of moon craters, increase the statistical sample, from a variety of impact craters the size, distribution, structure, revealing small objects hit the Moon's time and spaceEvolution, so as to provide the scientific basis for the study of the Moon's age.  "Yan Jun said. At the same time, lunar surface materials of long-term exposure to cosmic rays, solar energy and low energy particles, plus the lunar surface temperature changes and the impact of small celestial bodies combined, forming a lot of space weathering characteristics, high resolution images of fine features, can reveal the space weathering process provides importantScientific basis.  In addition, the image is high resolution full months preparing scientific basis of geological maps of the moon. According to reports, the full moon and Chang, first get image, resolution 7 m full-moon image data is also open to international, will let scientists around the world to use and experience in the future.

