
wot power leveling Oriental wealth - QRD

129756501052343750_184After third-party sales agency, Fund sales licence directory will increase again on futures company name. Department confirmed yesterday from stakeholders, regulators recently convened some futures companies and fund companies executives, let go of the futures company to sell public-fund businesses eligible to seek the views of industry, conditions and requirements are in conformity with the futures companyDistribution related to the operations of the Fund are ready.   However, that said, there is no specific programme on cooperation, butt of related technology and personnel issues are not resolved. Recommended reading appearing 6 times new shares of the Fund annual report 108 women became Manager base became the main battlefield executives a tide of domestic funds to undergo changes in Hong Kong-Hui acquisition of Kim won-KBC 49% stakesFunds and monthly 3rd daily analysis reports the latest funds fast queries while the program there is no specific timetable world of tanks power leveling, but SFC expansion Fund amazing efficiency of sales channels. In fact, prior to this, insurance companies just outgoing messages is expected to sell the Fund. Reporter was informed that in February of this year, regulatory deliberations on this matter。 Sources said China Securities Regulatory Commission and the two regulators after the agreement, it will introduce regulations, insurance companies will officially gain Fund sales license.   However, it is not an insurance company obtained the qualification. However, also in February, Noah is being lines, good fortune, Shenzhen Zhong Lu, Oriental wealth (300,059) 4Secretary has announced one of the first third-party Fund sales licence.   Last June the Commission announced the sale of securities investment fund management procedures (revised draft), allow qualified foreign corporate banks to comply with the prudential requirements of the case, enjoy the Fund distribution rights. This means that, outside the traditional channels of banks, brokerages and fund self locking,More agencies will join the Fund sales team.   In this regard, huatai Joint Research Centre General Manager Wang Qunhang pointed out that many institutions involved in fund sales, Christian democratic wot power leveling, can have more choices, and purchase rates can also be more economical. "We, of course, be happy to see a clash of contend for the situation, which funds channel selectedOptional. Similarly, there is a competitive service, there can be differences of different distribution point advantages to different fund companies can choose according to their own needs to adapt to the distribution channels. For example, have a strong marketing network of commercial banks, securities companies with professional stock market research capabilities, third-party Fund sales and discount on a purchase, costs wot power leveling, distribution costs, foreign banks for the high-end customerHousehold.   "One of Shenzhen's Fund company personnel are welcomed. However, there are many cautiously optimistic. A case study of futures companies, futures lower corporate accounts coincide with the customer base of the Fund of the futures company outlets had low, so effectiveness is unlikely to sell. It is learnt that the futures firm has about 160 homes currently on the market and the network less than 2000.

