
wot power leveling and other aspects of culture - UNR

129742938791718750_78Wanda said group Chairman Wang Jianlin, as developers, sales industry billions, but not always practical.   What he is not practical at all? Wang Jianlin: "I can think can achieve a smooth transition or for commercial real estate success, the most important is the goal of the enterprise, you're like we were able to stick, I think it is very important to success was in May 2000, we opened the meeting, repeating the analysis, the real estate industry for ten years or more, has sold over 10 billion, but feel fear in his heart, what we are enterprise, strictly speaking not a complete enterprise. Because the reproduction of so-called enterprise should be circular, constantly expanded reproduction, butIs this is not the real estate business, has introduced a new, not the end of the cash flow, and then go to, always unstable, even if the accumulation of more cash, this company is terrible, in essence, so I was out of business, we will deal with century-old enterprise, right? "And now, said Wanda group, impression you may stillSo stay in the "commercial real estate" on the role. In fact, Wanda's business not only covers the areas of commercial real estate, and also includes advanced investment in hotels, tourism, culture, five big chain department stores industry.   Moreover, these non-property businesses in Wanda's landscape, occupies an increasingly important position. Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin had previously said, the tourism industry and theKeep pace-making industry and commercial real estate group's core pillars of industry.   At present, the construction of Wanda's Hotels Ltd has to offer throughout the 26 five-star and Super five-star hotel, Wanda's goal is, by 2015 the size of 70. At the same time, Wanda cinemas with 730 screens, 86 Studios, 2015 will reach 2000 screens, 200 Cinema City.   In the areas of general merchandise, Wanda subsidiary thousands of department store company currently has opened 40 department stores, in 2015 will reach 110, 3 million square metres. From the current plan, we can see that to 2015 should be reached on the development history of a coordinate point. If everything goes according to plan, to theWhen Wanda became a much larger group. Of course, in the development of other industries at the same time, Wanda's never give up their profession: commercial real estate.   National now has 49, Wanda Plaza, and that by the year 2015, Wanda's goal is to--120. At present, the most famous of Wanda Plaza is located in the East of Beijing international trade, CBD coreBeijing Wanda Plaza area. This set square shopping centre, supermarkets wot power leveling, cinemas wot power leveling, hotels and office buildings in one.   Carefully look at the business project, in addition to tourism wot power leveling, and several business categories coincide up to now. Wanda business area cover tourism investment, hotel, chain of department stores, and other aspects of culture, in fact, is in the extension of commercial real estate projectsComing out of the. Comments guest Yuan Yuan of economic thought, as Wang Jianlin says, real estate has a problem is the lack of cash flow problems, will always be bad when good cash flow, sold will have a lot of cash flow, buy land and has no cash flow.   In view of this, it is doing what is called a transformation. Yuan Yuan: both do hotel investments, chain department storesAnd it sells things that are their own property, but he sold the property is equal to the left hand right hand. Such a reform is now formed a chain, I build houses from the front to the back rent collection, but also deep into industry chain, one of the biggest features are very good cash flow, both the Department stores, the hotel every day in the money, the influence on enterprise development andIs the key. Wanda to go to bank loans, for example, has such a big cash flow every day do banks not lending? It's not like others, you may also want to create a so-called Council to talk to the Bank. Tourism in department stores, theaters, the number is the total number of fixed every year and there is a steady growth, which naturally have a good steady growth in cash flow, which is up to now be able to goBasis of success. Yuan Yuan noted that amounts to is an industry of the past, now is the whole industry chain.

