
wot power leveling Alpha Bank SA - YUE

129756355748125000_111SINA finance hearing news Beijing time on March 7, according to data released today shows that to date, announced the participation in Greece's debt restructuring plan of the debt held by private investors involved in SWAps called for international aid as a proportion of total debt of about 20%. Prior to this, Greece Government had set for this plan 75% Participation rate, which is to proceed with the project threshold. Institute of international finance (Institute of International Finance) Steering Committee of 12 members companies said yesterday that it will accept the debt swap, but declined to name the Member companies of the Association held by Greece in the private sector its gross debt, the debtProportion.  Data according to the report compiled by Bloomberg showed that the 12 companies held by Greece face value of at least the total debt of 40 billion euros (about us $ 53 billion). EU officials now is to put pressure on investors, asking it to take on more write-downs to avoid further losses. Company has agreed to exchange agreements included in Greece's largestSome creditors, such as the Greece National Bank (National Bank of Greece SA) (ETE), Alpha Bank (Alpha Bank SA) (ALPHA), BNP Paribas (BNP) and Germany commercial bank (CBK). The objectives of this agreement are held by the private sector, Greece debtDown 53.5% wot power leveling, so as to avoid Greece into default dilemma beyond their control, which will cause damage to the market and sovereign debt crisis to Portugal and other countries spread. France laiaoneiti, Minister for European Affairs (Jean Leonetti) said in an interview today: "the interests not only of private creditors, but also conducive to internationalStability. All private creditors know, lose a little money to win a lot of things it is better to lose a lot of money and then nothing. Loss of 107 billion euros, and then win on a more stable market, this is a better choice. "Institute of international finance said yesterday, members of the Steering Committee wot power leveling, only one company has not yet agreed to sign debt swap agreements, Germany's fourth largest bank Landesbank Baden (Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg). International Finance Association represents more than 450 various financial services companies around the world, is responsible for the Greece debt restructuring negotiations of representatives of government agencies. At the same time, Germany DSW investor protection organization also recommendsPrivate sector creditors reject the plan. Greece's Finance Minister, Evangelos-Vinnie Ross (Evangelos Venizelos) said on Monday that the Greece Government expected private creditors will accept the country's debt held by one-time writedowns of about 100 billion euros (about us $ 132 billion) plan. He pointed out: "this (bondExchange program) is the best proposal "," is the best proposal, the reason for this is that this is the only proposal, the only existing proposals. "(Military/compilation) nouns explanation: Greece exchange agreement Greece exchange agreement, Greece private-sector holders of government bonds were asked to use their current holdings of Exchange under United Kingdom law issueGreece new bonds and securities issued by the European aid funds.  These creditors must be held by Greece writedowns on bonds nominal value of 53.5%; in after taking into account future interest payments, their actual losses would reach about 74% of the investment value. The agreement will Greece debt cuts of 100 billion euros (about us $ 132 billion) wot power leveling, EU andThe International Monetary Fund (micro-blogging) (IMF) to Greece provides a second key component of the assistance programme, which aims by 2020 to Greece as a proportion of total debt to GDP down from 160% per cent. Collective action clauses of the so-called collective action clauses, that is, under the terms of the, all non-voluntary debt exchange of investmentFunding will be forced to take losses. Greece facing debt default

