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129764786863593750_220This staff reporter Sang Haibo intern Dan Gao Yuanjun in the past two years, people have got used to the annoying "negative interest rates", less save more money in the Bank, a last resort would like to approach financing, struggled with the skyrocketing CPI running. Today, the "negative interest" positive all of a sudden, many people even had a strange sense of "rate" on how public finance and investmentImpact of finance how to adjust it? Are interest rates hard to call back to the desired savings CPI or 3.2%, 3.5% one-year fixed deposit, which means that negative interest rates ended, in bank deposits was effective, in this case, whether residents ' savings desire to pick up, will usher in deposits of commercial banks do boomers? Reporters found that "interest rate" at first glance, public depositsIs not strong. "Deposit return rate is too low, practical significance", people miss Zhu took a wait-and-see attitude on savings deposits. She said, for example, now $ 100 can buy a bag of rice, calculated according to the current CPI rises, one year after a bag of rice prices will reach $ 103.2, if you put the money in the Bank, one year after the principal and interest totaling $ 103.5.Miss Chu said, "down, put the money in the Bank, did not bring purchasing power increase deposits can only ensure that wealth is not shrinking, did not bring more income". This is why many people do not intend to increase deposit. "Negative interest rates are temporarily regularized, trend is not good for the next few months to determine, and not much guidance". Jinan official Cao XianThink of health, compared with deposits, now more investment channels, such as finance, speculation in the stock market, investing in precious metals, and so on, yields of these products is much higher than the savings deposit, this is he on deposits is not "cold" reasons. Attitude of the people, meet some people in the financial forecasts. Lianping panshan Bank Chief Economist said, some small possibility of micro-depositors choose savingsSome, there are many investment amount slightly larger channels, in addition to the stock market, wealth management, trusts, and other products sometimes gives more than a one-year fixed deposit return of 3.5 per cent income, so many users, users can continue to select other investment products. Term deposits may not be effective although the residents ' savings desire is not strong, but also has aHealthy family, especially older people considering the increase in deposit's share in the family assets. "The CPI fall, possibility of future interest rate cuts, I'm going to put some deposit into medium-and long-term", members of the public. Anticipate the possibility of a rate cut, while long-term deposits when the rates are still high, avoiding loss of interest in the future. "Deposit going for the long term"The idea, in the eyes of some experts may not be cost-effective. Some economists had expected, although this year was a tough year, but then changes in the economic cycle. Economic policy will be adjusted again, raised its interest rates again in May. If you put all the money into a deposit, particularly long term deposits, is not effective. "Deposit is necessary, but will examine thePonders the family capital flows, and to select the term deposit period, increase the flexibility of funding ", Wang Xia Industrial Park Centre for wealth management Director recommended. Financing to $ 50,000 deposit for example: for regular funding needs of families, can be considered "regularly demand" match, save $ 20,000 savings, save $ 30,000 into three regular, respectively, save 1,2, 3-year, 10,000 due to the deposit of 3 years, in this way, each deposit is 3 years, you can get higher interest income. If money is not urgently required can be divided into three deposits, of which $ 10,000 1-year, $ 20,000 of 2-year, $ 20,000 for 3 years. After the expiration of the deposit, depending on the prevailing market interest rate and the expected, then select deposit period�� Debt bonds, base is expected to become famous for two years of "negative interest" end, interest rate cuts expected to increase, lost savings bonds has suddenly become "Xiang Bobo". Return on investment for stable and higher than the fixed deposit receipts, a savings bond became popular because in the near future. On March 10, the first phase, the second phase of electronic savings bonds issued. First period3 years, annual interest rate is 5.58%; the second period for a period of 5 years, annual interest rate 6.15%. 14th, journalists in the luoyuan Street, China Construction Bank, agricultural Bank of banks investigation learned, before than lukewarm, first two periods of the year savings bond sales of significant improvement. "3-year savings bond sales of the most popular diablo 3 power leveling, was purchased some of the middle and old aged people, theyMore accustomed to this style of sound investments. "The Manager of a State-owned bank told a press conference. Wang Xia industrial park wealth management centre, in December last year and February this year the Central Bank twice cut deposit reserve rate February CPI rose less than one-year fixed deposit interest rates, reserve requirements continue to cut more likely, which means that the rate hike cycle knotBeam, traditions similar to the savings bond fixed income of medium-and long-term investment nature are favored. "With a certain degree of investor risk tolerance can consider bonds and bond funds, income would be more appropriate. "Wang Xia said, bonds of interest rate sensitivity is very strong, in the event of rate cuts, bond yields will improve. Risk tolerance of more investors, Members of the financial proposals, can be considered involved in capital market, investment shares, or buy a hybrid, stock funds. "Negative interest rate changes, shifting monetary policy easing is expected to strengthen, after easing of monetary policy, increase in capital inflows into the stock market, capital market is a boon. "Financial product returns or lower on financial markets, the sharp decline in money market ratesYields on short-term bank financing products form a large pressure. "At present, the income has been declining trend of financial products, keen to invest in short-term patterns, or change in the past. "Provincial capital of a joint-stock Bank Manager Mr Yang told reporters. Data validation a finance person to judge, Puyi wealth statistics January issued a 1-month period followingProducts with an average yield of 4.36%, and in February the average yield of the products had dropped to 4.06%, since March, the further decline in the yields of these products to 3.4%. However, the reporters found that while lower short-term production gains, and the longer-term impact is small. According to Puyi's wealth statistics last week, 1 month following productsAverage yield of 3.6%, 4.01% compared to the previous week's average rate of return declined; 1 month to 3-month average yield remained 4.82%; 3-month to 6-month average yield fell from 5.08% per cent; however diablo 3 power leveling, between 6 months and 1 year average product from 4.95%Yields rose to 5.2%. Ye Linfeng Puyi wealth researchers point out that, with the further easing of the market as well as for reducing the expected warming in the future, Bank issued 3 months following financial products yields is likely to be affected, investors need to configure different periods according to its own flexible financial products to obtain maximum benefits. Downtown in the financialLiyang proposal, "taking into account the future Central Bank could further cut deposit reserve rates, funding of investors if not for a long time diablo 3 gold, to focus on medium-and long-term bank financing products. "Online statement Gold: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, riskYour own. Others:

