
warhammer gold with effect from April 1.  In addition - DCY

129749208998281250_43General Motors has announced that Jon Lauckner has been appointed as the new Chief Technology Officer and Vice President warhammer gold, with effect from April 1.  In addition tera power leveling, Lauckner will continue to take the current venture capital firm General Motors (GM Ventures) post of President, and is responsible for the General Motors research and development work. LaucknEr to replace is the Chief Technology Officer Tom Stephens. In addition, Alan Taub, Deputy Chief Executive in charge of GM research and development work will be from April 1 on retirement eq2 platinum, Lauckner will take over both Taub's posts. New work, Lauckner will continue to provide General Motors Vice Chairman, StepheN Girsky reports. In early June 2010 General Motors company GM venture capital firms invested $ 100 million to set up subsidiaries, exploration of the main car-related technologies and business models for equity investment programme. Lauckner was appointed as CEO of the company on July 1, 2010, until then, LauckNER is held by GM Vice President of global product planning and global project management. Lauckner, 54 years old in 1979 when he joined General Motors as a test engineer jobs, then had it in product engineering, product development, power transmission engineering, held numerous positions in the field. Reporter Sun Jinfeng

