
wot power leveling But at the same time he also say - BIT

129756355319531250_16"Zhuangao financial network" reporter Xu Bin industrial upgrading and transfer, is the main proposition of the Chinese economy over the past decade. Due to raw materials, the rising price of factors of production such as land, labor, and economic enterprises continue to transfer to move to the Mainland along the coast of China, and upgrading to a higher value-added economy industrial chain of coastal areas, which are coastal areas in economic "Dragon-for the birds" means。 Industrial transfer, after all, is much easier than upgrading, because the industry transferred the factory location in space is simply a simple transfer, does not involve the system factors such as technology changes. Industrial upgrading is not, it needs justice, cooperation of a number of factors such as policies and even the talent supply, or "the cage" was vacated, but the "bird" flies away, noHas come. Economic industry in the so-called hollowing, refers to this phenomenon.   This is precisely the Guangdong economy is currently facing a major problem. On the morning of 5th, on the Guangdong delegation group discussion, Mr Wang said, speeding up the transformation of economic development, and promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure must be a legal guarantee and support. Wang Yang recalled, he used to visit the newWhen Singapore, asked transition experience, everyone told him to strengthen vocational and technical education, and training. At present, the laws and regulations around the transformation and upgrade, staff training is an unhealthy one. In addition to the building of the legal system, also need to step up enforcement. "If 5-10 is a foreigner requires that we protect intellectual products years ago, now is our own requirements. If you do not have a sound knowledgeKnowledge property protection system, there is no crack, transformation and upgrade will fail.   ”。 Zhiqian, Guangdong Provincial Governor Zhu xiaodan's proposals for Government is in the process of examination and approval system reform, part of the decentralization of government power wot power leveling, and at the various government agencies are reporting may be derogated from in such items. In response, Yang said, has set up a Committee to review what a project for decentralization. CommitteeIncludes experts in leadership, has retired. "The problem now is that the law stipulates that departments have the power. Departments saying, we are willing to, but stipulates that the power is mine. "He said, and some departments of interest laws prescribed by law. "We are and contact the relevant departments of the State Council recently, from a legal breakthrough. ”。 Wang Yang said, the current Government system reformAnd then reforms a different, touched mainly because at that time their interest, and now will not affect the sector decentralization to the departments of the Central Government, "Guangdong lead, other provinces, do you? ”。 But at the same time he also say, as long as they meet the "three benefits", "If the legal obstacles, we resolved to petitioners. This is a good thing, if some sectors thanWill allow us to try more enlightened. Communicate with each other, a little better in the future.   "He said the Government delegation wot power leveling, should be changed by it. Main system design of reform China, could at first not the central co-ordinating arrangements, but one-man rush, Central positively world of tanks power leveling, experience gained in line with local conditions to promote in all regions, formed a national institutional reform. Is the underwriting of joint responsibility system, Is a joint-stock reform of doing so. Current Guangdong economy had to bottlenecks, system reform facing cannot guarantee the normal development of the situation, what not to, that is.   At this point, the individual break through the process of reform in Guangdong Province, again become a pioneer of national economic reform, is also a reasonable thing. (Securities market weekly Syndication) "author:" zhuangao financial network "reporterXu Bin "(Editor: Liu 玥)

