
diablo 3 gold meaning that growth does not necessarily have to be in 7.5% - REV

129756967252031250_11"Financial network reporter Chen Jun," HSBC China Economist Qu Hongbin said in an interview with financial network diablo 3 power leveling, the Central Government made conscious GDP7.5% goal this year, really may want to take this to the local government for the purposes of reminding, not simply the pursuit of speed, pay attention to the quality and sustainability of growth. Qu Hongbin, think on this subject do not have to do too muchReading, the problem can be understood from two dimensions: first, the "two sessions" before almost all of the local governments in the report on the work of the economic growth target for this year is above 8%, Midwest is more than 10%. In this case, the Central Government made conscious 7.5% diablo 3 power leveling, want to take this to the local government alerts, not simply the pursuit of speed, increased attentionQuality and sustainability of long.   This could be a real purpose. Second, the 7.5% target, should be understood as a bottom line, meaning that growth does not necessarily have to be in 7.5%, understood as not less than 7.5% have been better, more practical. From the actual situation, China's economic growth despite the risk – the decline of exports over the next several quarters will be followedContinued weakening, the GDP will pose a downside risk to a certain extent. Adjustment of the real estate, at least in the first half of this year will continue, will also inhibit real estate investment. And since the 2011 austerity measures as a result of some of the most severe lag effect, causing downside risks to the economy, at least in the first quarter, second quarter, slowing economic growth trend will not change。 But there were loose adjustment of policy space, both monetary policy and fiscal policy, also has a further loosening of the space. Deposit reserve rate remained at a record high, space can continue to cut it entirely; fiscal policy, last year a lot of savings, which more actively creating favorable conditions for fiscal policy. Expected in the next few months,Entering the second quarter, after two sessions, relaxed pace will be accelerated, in the form of deposit rate in the second quarter from March to June, there are at least two times lower. New loans will continue to rise month by month.   In the year, if the CPI fell to below 3% will also have a chance to cut interest rates at a time. Qu Hongbin diablo 3 gold, believes that these several ways, economic growth targetsIs down to 7.5%, there is a great deal of may exceed the target. Qu Hongbin, expects economic growth this year, probably in between 8.5% in the first quarter, began to bottom out in the second quarter, at around 8.5% for the whole year, HSBC forecasts maintained essentially unchanged at 8.6%. "Author: financial network reporter Chen Jun" (Editor: Chen Jun)

