
wot power leveling 936 a year - GQA

129742915534531250_32220% second-hand residential new homes drop in trading volume turnover fell over 50%---one year ago today, Beijing issued a restriction for a new round of market regulation policy. After more than a year, Beijing property market had undergone a qualitative change. Sharp contraction in turnover at the same time, traded a significant decline. For many years before the "seller's market" has turned into "buyersField ". At the same time, restriction of market changes brought about by the policy has had a huge impact on the survival and development of the real estate developers. New residential average per cent drop in trading volume 20% stopped up contract Number Sets total trading volume in the property under construction turnover of existing home sold price (Yuan/square meter) Number Sets Number Sets Number Sets 2010.2.16-2011.2.15 107066 211472011.2.16-2012.2.8 83,632 70,494 -21.89%-24.04%-7.86%1.01% according to the Department of Beijing Zhongyuan market research and statistics wot power leveling, "restriction" since the implementation of newResidential contract 83,632, down 21.89%, 20%. Contract area of 8.674 million square meters, transactions are declined. In addition, restriction of one year new home sold price $ 21,361/square meter, and prices were flat during the 2010.2.16-2011.2.15 turnover average prices stopped rising. Strictly enforce the restriction of, Limit credit trading volume can have a big impact, and as the national consolidation of the property market regulation policy, effective demand and gradual consumption, decline of new homes sold for more and more serious. Second-hand house trading volume reduced contract Number Sets 2010.2.16-2011.2.15 53.26% time 2073762011.2.16-2012.2.8-53.26% in accordance with Department of Beijing Zhongyuan market research and statistics, "restriction" implementation of Beijing's second-hand House transaction 96,936 a year, compared to one a year deal than before the new deal, drop 53.26%, especially the new standards to adjust the calculation of stock room (December 10, 2011), second-hand House transaction 6759, sold for less than the monthly average sold last year for 2 months 70%. Second-hand residential turnover this year is expected to fall below low. Home buyer demand is stuck at the leasing market according to the Department of Beijing Zhongyuan market research and statistics, market restriction, limited the Beijing Hukou 800,000 households and 1 million units in the field of household registration and housing needs, demand for a large number of buyers were stranded in the leasing market, statistics show that 2011 lease sold 2 million units for the first time in Beijing, up 24.5%. Restriction of the leasing market expansion more than 20%. Policy under the weight of speculative disappeared, sold for occupied residential property market regulation of the market's most fundamental purpose is to attack the overheated speculative real estate investment, ensure that you need to buy. Data showed that after the new deal, Beijing 90% of the total number of first-time home buyers purchase more than voteFunding speculative purchases nearly extinct. And recently, the Central Bank also announced that priority requires commercial banks to meet the demand for first-time home buyer home loans. Beijing Zhongyuan Department of market research professionals are expected in 2012 will remain live and part of improving demand-led housing market in a year. Office supply increased 1 time times the supply of commercial property 55.28% in OfficeTo good effect, more and more developers are targeted to the Office space market. "Restriction" after the implementation, supply of new commercial real estate market in Beijing continues to enlarge, showing steady growth. Since the new deal office supply 10,906 class property, an increase of more than 1 time, commercial production and 4,441, an increase of 55.28%. Developers to increase businessProperty investment and development world of tanks power leveling, at the same time, due to restriction of influence, residential investment is a lot of demand out and modified by many investors to look to an unrestricted commercial real estate market, commercial real estate transactions for unprecedented hot and active. Price stability seek progress, after the new deal to the present, such property sold price $ 25,533 for Office space/square meter, up 8.96%, commercial property price 21,839 Yuan/sq m, up 3.42%. Residential land rent reduction 53.83% under Department of Beijing Zhongyuan market research and statistics, "restriction" since implementation, Beijing by inviting tenders, auction and hanging close block 254, sold for a total area of 22.8983 million square meters, down 27.3%. WhichResidence contract 56, total sold an area of 8.9452 million square meters, down 37.75%. Land rent, since the new deal, land transfer payment totals $ 101.364 billion, with residential land $ gold 45.909 billion, down 53.83%. According to the official show, land supply for 2011 was not completed for the first time in 3 yearsPlan. Housing enterprises holding warmth took care to reduce risk according to the market research Department of Beijing Zhongyuan data display restriction of implementation to date, 16 developer cooperation turnover 2.455 million square meters, turnover of 21.357 billion yuan, three total developer respectively are 30.19%, 38.41%, and score historyNew highs. "Double restriction" makes real estate suffered an unprecedented impasse, commercial housing purchasing power decline, housing and Enterprise payment cycle lengthen, funding pressures increase and as the control, to avoid the uncertainty of the operational risk, companies new land reserve insufficient willingness, urban residential land market clearly out of line, and encounter the right time are combined, reduce financial risk.News background: "restriction order" first anniversary of the execution was announced on February 16 wot power leveling, 2011 Beijing, on implementing the spirit of the State Council document notice of further strengthening the work of the real estate market regulation in, reasonably guide housing needs, had 1 homes households in the city registered permanent residence, holding a valid temporary residence permit in this city in the city did not have housing and more than five years in a rowIn this city pay social insurance or personal income tax of non-this city residence residents family limited purchased a housing, with new merchandise housing and second-hand housing, on has has two sets and the above housing of this city residence residents family, has 1 sets and the above housing of non-this city residence residents family, cannot provides this city effective refuge card and continuous five years above in this city pay social insurance or personal income tax crossIs satisfied that the evidence of non-Hukou households, suspended in the city to their house for sale. Strengthen buyer qualification, to ensure restriction of policies in place, construction of housing in urban and rural areas in conjunction with the departments concerned should further improve the sharing of information and buyer eligibility verification mechanisms, to provide false documents buyer not the property registration formalities, and their corresponding economic and legal responsibility. OnNo strict verification of eligibility for homebuyers to purchase signed commodity House sales contract or agency contracts and regulations of real estate development enterprises, real estate agencies, dealt with according to law. Effective implementation of differential housing credit policies, requires financial institutions and housing Provident Fund Management Centre in Beijing, on loan to purchase second homes to ensure the effective implementation of the family down-payment of not less than 60% loansInterest rate of the benchmark interest rate of not less than 1.1 times the policy, the irregularities to be dealt with, to do House work. To speed up the implementation of the affordable housing program.

