
diablo 3 gold has its own circle. Therefore - ANY

129773160497343750_118Yangchun in March, I gave up again. This is the third time in 3 years I resigned. Following the resignation, I am even more firmly to "full time"! I'm a 70hou MOM, n years ago, working in the media, although the work was shabbily dressed, having a good income (mainly on advertising revenue code word to make money is to sell coolies), but the media is a local eat and youth, especially the mainstream mediaPersonnel. Multi-year work tired, I began to think about whether or not changing a way of life. So, I read an inquiry, followed by married women. Suddenly, qualitative changes have taken place. Life is strange, as in childhood fairy tales of the Rubik's cube, Rubik's cube building, you don't know when it started, life went into a completely different world and could not return. Look back at sceneScreen, as though is another story. After had a daughter, I come from a "hundred-metre athlete" into "balance beam player". I am the mother of a very greedy, not willing to miss the daughter of any of the stages, and would like to have a copy of our small business (in fact, I'm not a shiyexing woman. Bluntly said, is to be sustainable income, not to sayBe unable to do anything, of course, the most important is more of a sense of their own), but family life a little style and, of course, has its own circle. Therefore, after you graduate, daughter 1 years old, I started looking for a job, far from home, travel, overtime, and may work to socializing, I will not be doing. Finally found a 5-minute walk away from home institutions. Despite the relativelyEasy, but it is law, above all nearer! Closer to me is the biggest temptation, I 9 points away from home to work, went home with their children for lunch, 2 points then go to work, get home at 6 o'clock in the evening. No crowded public transport, not afraid of traffic jams, never jam. As closer, I can be over 4 hours a day with my daughter! I too thank God's gift! VeryA year of hard work. However diablo 3 gold, the good times do not last long, because working hard, my workload growing, weekends at the weekend and development were working overtime. I respected "balance models" was broken, and finally collapse and resigned. However, at home full time with baby? I can't pass themselves off, what do you call themselves to be 17 years of education, it can be considered a female, it can't do so withoutPursuit. So, apart from her, I opened a shop in Taobao, give yourself a little dedication to find a safe haven (is not self-deception? hehe). So very happy to accompany a child over 2 years later, daughter is in kindergarten, Taobao shop to earn some pocket money small business stability. But I do so full time and run it? I did not think about the problem.Occasionally tera gold, I will zhonghuayingcaiwang to see if there is attractive enough, found a mainstream media advertising in Shenzhen hiring at a time, let me recall me from the liberal media before work. So he went to interview, and on the side surfaces. However, 2 weeks of work, I found completely different and I think. Treatment is generally, I want free no. Finally knowRoad previously rumored in the media industry turned out to be true: the province than the city, than in counties, counties than in villages. So I lightning resigned. Following the resignation, I am no longer looking for work. However, every temptation, if there is no secure direction, at any time can avoid detours. Said, I'm a greedy mother. I continue to feel at ease with babyWhen suddenly received a University classmate's phone, they are senior executives in a company. Students: we are a head here, will you not? I said I hadn't done, can not? (I said with his classmate, I is a balance of housewives, travel, overtime does not work. ) Students: I know you, will be looking for you! Or does not come to you. WorkIs free and suitable for you. Work was very free, timing is not not be on duty, main contact, is close to home. However, for some reason, after 2 months I was very determined to resign. A full-time mother, is a very interesting thing, regardless of whether the short or long term, is the income is not bad. To be a jingjizhang�� Shenzhen General nanny rival 3,000 a month, also eat live, even to the end of shuangxin, holidays to the red envelope, to prepare for the annual two-way tolls (some nanny even by plane), so something like, average monthly costs at least $ 4,000 or more. After MOM works, will increase transport fares, brunch swtor credits, communication costs, clothing costs (mainlyFit for work wear clothing), units of people socializing socializing. A month to 1000-2000. If MOM works, less than 6,000 a month, is "loss". Monthly income of not more than $ 10,000, little economic significance. Unless the home has the old man to help you take the kids, or work to make ends meet. Old man with children, on the other is another way "Hit the old "old man's labor to subsidize small households. Is not only a question of money. Spend a $ 4,000 cost of nanny to create benefits for smaller families far less than a full-time mother. Most of the nannies take care of baby life is very good, children's education is not wishful thinking. I have 7, nanny, can do very little housework, children usually have toI teach, each nurse has a wide variety of issues, and nanny could swing arms at any time to leave, she flow stand true to who you are anxious, even while approaching "starting". Really annoying be bored. Full time 2 year full-time MOM very much found in Shenzhen, daughter's parenting class, full time mother one-third. Also, mother with child and nanny with childrenGap is evident. Mothers with children are often more outgoing and more gregarious, more clean and tidy, but rarely violent. High knowledge level of grandparents with children and did quite well. Starting from the daughter is 1 year old, I found that the child is a mirror, thinking tone on the closest human behavior, she will be left intact as in the past. This makes me very scared, this isI want to spend more time with his children and important reason. For me, after the children, I cannot accept "all three lang"-style work. No travel, no overtime, less entertaining, closer, more relaxed. Said earlier, Nanny and working costs at least 6,000 and after work, I found my Taobao shop business to be affected, and financing will often be out of stock. ThisLoss is not small. Considered to be, and if there are no more than 2W of income, it's not worth, hehe. Yet. ����I am a "total" mother of 2 years, get a free easy work for posts or have more than 20,000, which is basically "fantasy". Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, only for reference by investors, andDo not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

