
world of tanks power leveling collective-owned construction land boundary to the right of collectiv

129756477907031250_315Chengdu Mayor GE honglin on urban and rural areas. "Editor's note" GE honglin representative, doctor of engineering of the last century 80 's, after the return of the student and former Vice Dean of Shanghai Baosteel Group, and beginning of the 20th century, Western as to tempering first Central Government ministries and enterprises of middle-aged and young cadres, take a temporary post as Chengdu municipal party Committee Deputy Secretary, Chengdu city, 2003Mayor. 9 years later, he was re-elected Mayor of Chengdu city, two, we have seen great changes in Chengdu, especially in resolving "Agriculture" issues achieved successReporter: in the reform of the urban and rural areas of Chengdu city, explains the dual system, experience on how a process of solving problems? GE honglin: our urban and rural reform, to solve "three rural" problem is a breakthrough. Focusing on urban-rural integration development of core topics at the outset, the top layer of a more comprehensive system design. Introduced in early 2004 of the urban and rural areasEconomic social development promote the integration of urban and rural views, which is a programmatic document for us to promote integrated urban and rural file. We have introduced a series of policy documents. Reform of the urban and rural areas, was originally in the breakthrough in implementing the "three set", that is: to focus on the development of industries concentrated and focused concentration of residential areas, land, farmers to the cities and towns to the scale set. This is modifiedBinary form and disorderly urban-rural development wot power leveling, implementation of effective measures and actions to promote the integration of urban and rural development path. "Three concentration" of co-ordinating operations, the actual evolution of industrialization, urbanization and modernization of agriculture "of three" linkage. Next, our vertical breakthrough, this is "Chengdu, global" concept to promote "six one": urban-rural integrated development planning,Industrial distribution of urban and rural integration, integration of urban and rural infrastructure development, urban-rural integration of public services, the management system of urban and rural integration, integration of urban and rural market system. This extend to rural public goods and public services. Because we believe that the more current the gap in the material left behind in rural areas to the cities, especially the level of public services in rural areas and public service facilitiesLess advanced. Through the exploration of the reform of public finance, implementation of the public finance expenditure to tilt in the countryside. Then we break on the surface, and begin to address the reform of property right system of rural. In rural areas, through the establishment of rural land property right system and set up similar to the property right system of State-owned enterprises, at its core, related system supporting a range of institutional arrangements, To build new production relations in the countryside, farmers from a mere "land people" become "social" systems laid a foundation. Reporter: to let farmers from "land people" into "society" this is your opinion, what is the meaning of? GE honglin: years of experience made us realize, resolve the contradictions of China urban-rural dual structure, needs to breakthrough in system buildingSet up a fundamental system, such as the reform of State-owned enterprises and establish a "clear property rights, duties and responsibilities, the separation of Management Sciences" of the modern enterprise system. Established in the countries subject to the social security system, today's workers in State-owned enterprises to successfully transition from business to social – fully established in the terms of the contract, employment of workers of divergent selection for freeAnd rights are not limited by geography, and unit of account. In the countryside, we envisaged through the establishment of rural land property right system and set up similar to the property right system of State-owned enterprises, as the core, system supporting a range of institutional arrangements, so as to build new relations in rural areas, peasants from a mere "land people" as "social". Reporter:Farmers from "land people" into "society", where is the key point? GE honglin: key points is to let "out", and "go". This involves the basic on the basis of property right system of rural land reform. "Ken", referring to the farmers from rural areas came out, his rights are fully protected, so willing to come out. Land is "gold"However, farmers are watching" a Golden Bowl "be poor, and has long been tied in that" a three-part ". We believe that the need to establish such a system, that is based on the rural land property right system of rural farmers, the land became the capital of a basic property rights of farmers, and bondage do not become farmers to urban development. Chengdu was first given to rural land-basedBasic property rights foundation of rural farmers were "right Award". This reform is unprecedented, arduous and heavy engineering. From 2008 onwards, with more than more than 3,000 students took 3 years to complete the prerequisite and basis for reform of property right system of rural work. Right, a bit similar to the clear property rights in the reform of State-owned enterprises. We require a thorough putting ruralOn land including contracting, House and House attached to the physical quantity, such as border and into farmers, leaving no dead corner. Clear rural housing land collective ownership, farmers have the right; attachments farmers. Required number of stages the right of rural collective land, borders clearly, to one implementation for each household; collective-owned construction land boundary to the right of collective,To all the villagers, rural housing and attached right to the home of the homestead and specifically farmers all. Award certificate, awarded the "five card", provides farmers with land and property legal credentials, eat "reassured". Farmers hold on now "five card", that is, collective land ownership, land use right certificate, housing land use right certificates world of tanks power leveling, warrants the rural house ownership, forest.At this stage wot power leveling, we will understand the substance of the reform of property right system in Chengdu for "enabling the right". Since the land is rural farmers ' collective and individual farmers, made it clear the new land law of China land to farmers, all its fields. Property right reform is nothing more than the farmers of rural collective land use, usufruct, segmentation all right back to farmers. Also in rural areasFarmers on collective all land of various basic right, so called "also right"; "assigned can" is in accordance with land resources of basic property, makes its as rural farmers of resources elements, participation to all kinds of economic activities in the to, implementation collective land as resources capital by can played of role, as gives and played good on farmers for is important of decision right, and right, and income right, implementationLand usufruct transfer value, wealth to farmers.

