
world of tanks power leveling Lei Yongchi - HIK

129732242256096250_154Shenzhen Special Zone report (micro-blogging) reporter Xu song the last weekend of October 2011, accompanied by the singing of the start all over again, say goodbye to football again after 15 years in Shenzhen China football top League. Senior fans old and grandchild, Baoan, numbed out of stadiums, lived through the Shenzhen football too much honor and disgrace him, most want to do at this time is to weep,Tried many times, is to cry out. Invite a few buddies, found a stall, monkey happy to open a dozen beers, everyone at the bottle and face unward, until filling their own messed up. The next day, tearing apart monkey head pain, thinking they sober up, "called one night, wake up: Shenzhen football to this day is a matter of sooner or later, this season's ballTeam owners, coaches and players do, but accelerates degradation in Shenzhen football.  "Monkey say, Shenzhen football today, is a piece of history and current status of the ticket. 1 soccer of the ticket is the epitome of Shenzhen Chinese football soccer atmosphere deep foot had the Super (micro-blogging), winner of the first year of glory, had the bloody battle of Baoji heroic year after year, but ups and downs over the years, Shenzhen footThe ball, in fact, "spirit horses are the clouds". In addition to weekend surge in crude gas remaining in memory of foot position would dominate the pitch, large and small, but minus the master in swimming circles as waist circumference, and in the bars of the feasting and revelry on the projection of the English Premier League serie a shout and wrangle, crazy drink side compared with Lionel Messi and Ronaldo who is more powerful "senior fan", Shenzhen football teamIs the whole point of Shenzhen football. "Shenzhen is a microcosm of the entire Chinese football soccer.  "Whether regulators, leaders, participants was also a spectator, detached and Shenzhen football people, similar to the interpretation of soccer and soccer in China in Shenzhen. Professional team, left an empty shell into Shenzhen red diamond (micro-blogging) investors, after three years, Wan Hongwei remains clearRemember when he first took over the deep enough, "in 2008 after moving out of Beacon Hill, the Club has no base, sale of stars over the years, the former champion team has gone, the team's strength is very limited.  "Wan Hongwei said, even as most high-rise buildings in Shenzhen football, he took over the Club was almost empty shell. "In 2009,In the team effort of Baoji in witness to succeed in the end. In 2010, we ask to Sing chi, the team got off to a fantastic start, but soon got into a long period of downturn, ultimately passed a very winding road Baoji. "Wan Hongwei soberly aware, the first two seasons of breathtaking Baoji, lucky component, as is considered by Chinese footballYao-2001 top ten years of racing at all times, without the check of Zhang Jilong, if there is no automatic finalists of Japan and South Korea to host identity, regardless of Bora Milutinovic (Twitter) how to magic, it is difficult to bring the team into the World Cup, "luck does not always care for a person, and ultimately relies on the strength of football talk. Now Camacho, guozu remained unable to break into the top ten game,Philippe troussier are also deep full downgrade of fate could not be blocked.  "Wan Hongwei admitted, although he hoped that the team would have been in Super-and get better and better, but demoted to come but have a hunch. Feet only one wire has no team, no base, can find ways to build, team strength is not enough, you can through the portfolio of foreign aid to strengthen, real football people in Shenzhen in ShenzhenFootball produces an unknown hunch, Shenzhen football environment, "as a young city, Shenzhen has a very good football atmosphere, but not the Football Foundation.  "In this regard, Shenzhen football managing director Li Shaohui words. Although always through various people well known in the Chinese Football Association Club eligibility standards of the formalism, but since 2008Years after you beat the Hong Kong League, has deep enough in fact, there is no real sense of Echelon. "Even for the last two years, the Shenzhen campus of football in full swing, but how will linked to the mass popularity with professional football, in Shenzhen is a blank. "From a professional player to coach, Assistant Professor occupational and broad participation in the construction of the campus football Hongwei Wang (micro-blogging) take root in Shenzhen has more than 10 years, he, "Said development should be a football pyramid, is the top professional football, while in Shenzhen, has only one wire at the foot of the professional team.  "After the adventure over several obstacles, ultimately from the root deep foot fell on the wire. Of nothing comes nothing Wan Hongwei admits himself and the Club have been in Super League and clubs under the dual pressure of building,Walk on the wire.  He hit back at the fan club does not put into question, he believed that eventually lead to deep foot degraded, Shenzhen football is also too thin. "From the start I took over the Club, year after year we spend, but we cannot, as a constant (micro-blogging) and CSL (micro-blogging) flower market as foreign aid. "Wan Hongwei admits there is no boss or his bossAs economic power, "by exploring the world of small and medium-sized clubs on the rule, we want to move on the construction of the team itself. "So, Wan Hongwei hope for the team to build up a tradition of China's football game, also want to exercise can be propped up young players for Shenzhen football tomorrow. This is the right road, but a road before, sing the defensive coverSing chi, only led the team to go back to the old defensive back, advocate of Philippe troussier to control the match, eventually bringing the Shenzhen football paid a heavy price for his dedication. The latter road, despite deep enough in recent years to enable a lot of new people, but little-stunning, deep foot before coach Zhang June (microblog) have pointed out sharply that the disadvantages of: "do not have their own base, on theEchelon; does not have its own Echelon, mentioning the younger.  "When other clubs are best when left to their own wedding in Echelon, introduction, realizing the rejuvenation of the team complete deep foot is a castle in the air. In this regard, Wan Hongwei felt helpless, "I have been searching for base, has always wanted to build Echelon, want the Club to the right direction, but sth" eitherPhilippe troussier, for he is what he trusted, wanted to remain on the long-term stability of such a club in the Super, it is of nothing comes nothing. 2 tickets Club building of Shenzhen football market can't live alone since its establishment in 1994, Shenzhen Football Club has been firmly in the pure market under the environment of growth, as the window of reform and opening up,As one of the 4 first-tier cities in China, Shenzhen there are market big enough to professional football, but it turns out, Shenzhen football market simply can't live alone. Not only is the Shenzhen football, football of all of China of doing so. Forefront of the Shandong and Beijing can be super long one, depends on the backing of large State-owned enterprises; in Guangzhou and Hangzhou to become China's new football, by virtue ofPredators Pocket; otherwise, even if wealth such as Yin Mingshan, he was as dead as the Chongqing lifan.  Look at Shenzhen's head of football in recent years, both Yang Saixin Wan Hongwei, worth and status are obviously not as good as being Chairman Yin Mingshan, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC and Chongqing lifan group. Has 18 years of professional football could not be weaned football professionalization, but this should beIn young adults of Chinese football, still could not be weaned. "Need to continue feeding policies and capital, the Club achieved through market of hematopoietic function, is not sufficient to ensure the operation and growth of the Club. "Famous football agents Mr. Zhao Wei believed that claimed to be professionalized after 18, China still did not really professional football, which, upon reflection of the Shenzhen footballClear outside. Mr. Zhao Wei believed that sources of income, consumption habits of the fans of the Club and the League does not standardize many aspects, has led to the phenomenon of Chinese football could not be weaned. "In Europe, for example, Real Madrid (micro-blogging) and Barcelona (micro-blogging) such giants, 60% revenue from the broadcast into a year, many teams have their own subscription television channels, while in China, Games live are free, that part of the income of the Club are white. Clubs unable to obtain coverage into, in addition to the quality and the League contracts with broadcasters, and consumption habits of TV viewers questions, huge TV audience while groups in China, but have to pay to watch a soccer match, more people would prefer not to see. Similar consumer psychology is to a large extent, affected the box office and a reportIs product revenue, many people prefer to get two tickets for $ 100 taxis, fringe ticket please send a meal, do not want to pay $ 60 to buy two tickets for the football match tickets, because according to their psychological, holding serve more face in front of their friends. "Unable to support football the football itself, current professional football in China, Mr. Zhao Wei that it is just a business and productGood carriers of publicity, "such as former Shenzhen ping an, Shenzhen football is the most stable period, the jianlibao period despite the turmoil, but also makes Shenzhen football only in the history of the Championship. In recent years, after the mother out of this, Shenzhen football only changed hands frequently, and even some corporate sponsorship, survival is still struggling. "3 feet deep left broken in body but firm in spiritIt is because life is struggling world of tanks power leveling, so lactation is weaned the Shenzhen football, has severe calcium deficiency, in this vibrant city, has become a deformity.  The city concerned and moved by only, only broken in body but firm in spirit. For the vast majority of Chinese, Shenzhen is a city full of attractions, from people in Hubei ProvinceHebei people Yuhong fan, from Jilin people Li Weifeng (tweets) to a compressed column of Anhui people (Twitter), regardless of where they come from, are selected in Shenzhen home.  But unfortunately is that the city's charm is not enough to leave players for Shenzhen football in recent years from deep foot out of the star, at least set up a portfolio of strong competition for Asia qualified. "Not to mention Lee玮 fronts, and relegation and compressed column of the winning player, it said then I Zhang Wenzhao, Hui Jiakang (microblogging), Lei Yongchi (micro-blogging), Fan Xiaodong (micro-blogging) sth If you can stay up to now, than the Liaoning team do? "Said the Shenzhen football talent, Zhang June bitter. Facts have proven that deep enough to sell most of the players were losing business. $ 700,000Go out from the Shenzhen Zhang Wenzhao, now worth close to millions of dollars, was unfortunately by Philippe troussier. However, such acts world of tanks power leveling, football is the last resort in Shenzhen. Why do they go? Zhang June said, "because we have no money! "Why should we let them go? Zhang June said, "because we cannot stop the road for young people. "Mr. Zhao Wei also said that if there were other options, now does notToo many people want to come play in Shenzhen.  Shenzhen as China's dream of most young people, has become an obstacle to the development of young people in the soccer field, this is clearly inconsistent with the Shenzhen City image of serious. Need to quickly change the Shenzhen football football Mayor status in Shenzhen, Shenzhen fan Jian Mangen wot power leveling, President of think, strong support of government policies, stimulate enterprise andSocial investment enthusiasm for football is the best way. "Development of football needs the money, but more needs to be policy support. Dalian eight crowns King of glory to achievement, ' Mayor of football ' support credit of Guangzhou football teams into the Government to build a 5-year plan, promoted the rapid development of the Guangzhou football. Numerous examples show that policy is the rapid development of football to be the first factor。 "Shenzhen football fans Union Sun zhimin agreed that, after the exit from the peace, Shenzhen, Shenzhen will have no real football," whether Zhang Hai Bao Jian Li, Yang Saixin new taishun, Yuhong fan travel to Asia, is now also the magnificent red diamond, only private football. "Sun zhimin hope that Shenzhen would appear one of" Mayor of football "," football not only for government attention, moreNeed for government intervention. Hanging in front of the Club ' Shenzhen ' word team on behalf of Shenzhen, Shenzhen, let the public awareness and understanding of a business card. As a city of immigrants, decompression of the football will not only fight for here, also can strengthen their sense of happiness and a sense of belonging. Not like hang shortage in enterprises in Shenzhen, no shortage of people who love and want to pay for Shenzhen football onlyLack of a development policy as well as Guangzhou football. "But many people called on the Government to support more feet deep at the same time, veteran General of the helm as deep foot Yuhong fan believe, not all hope is hope on the Government support," deep enough or does not have the support from the Government of the current road conditions on deep on foot should focus on cultivating strength, goodBasic skills, access to development, the Government reached a fast track, this kind of support makes sense.  "The background of an investment company Football Club, indeed it is difficult to have the support of the Government. Ticket team score of 53 PCs goal is Philippe troussier deep foot wrong don't hesitate to downgrade earlier had a hunch, but Wan Hongwei and most of the fans, at the start of the season did not considerShenzhen team demoted this season, because Philippe troussier and Philippe troussier when a relative newcomer, please publish "first six years ago, into the AFC Champions for the second year, won three years army" ambitious goals. Season has not ended, Shenzhen football team is demoted, Wan Hongwei considered the Club long-term, comprehensive reasons of foreign aid and various performance, although he did not rule out specialRousieres also made a mistake, but it is also possible for the sustenance of his infinite hope images of handsome maintenance. But not everyone is so maintained Philippe troussier, fans of Philippe troussier are listed "ten counts", Zhang June is directly stated that "can't win the ball, it is not a good coach, 53 PCs goal is Philippe troussier's fault. "As a team captain, team in degraded wayCommitted an error, Philippe troussier natural to assume. "Deep enough, Philippe troussier's tactical and command of the issues. "Lead feet deep in one of the most difficult in the history of the season coach Zhang June before the success of Baoji, reservations about coaching of Philippe troussier," we are not ' special ', hoping that he will be able to learn, deep foot now does not control the opponentStrength, from what I understand the situation, laote training is too rigid and monolithic.  "Zhang June thinks, is famous for its defense of deep foot last season, lost the ball with the most in history, although some are caused because players active failures, but if in the training practice, many errors can be avoided. Yuhong fan said he very much agree with Philippe troussier match play, butReconstruction continued in the teams should be built on keeping in the hyper-growth on the basis of this platform. And some of the fan is loose on Philippe troussier's dissatisfaction with the management model, "we know players always midnight in the micro-blogging, or play outside. Philippe troussier full of stocking management model in Europe and America, mostly for young players, professional quality is not deep enough, do not fly. ”Last year, Philippe troussier did bring a lot to the deep enough or deep enough to lose a lot. Wan Hongwei said, resolutely carry out and check under Philippe troussier "3+2" contracts, as Commander of the deep enough, fails on the basis of experience during the first year, Philippe troussier should perhaps have some changes.

